
Blind Spots To Building Trust With The Next Generation

By Ari Galper, the world’s #1 authority on trust-based selling

How will you cross the generational/attitudinal/socio-economic divide between your current clients (the Baby Boomers) and Gen X, Gen Y/Millennials (the Boomers’ children), that you can see around the corner?

How will you approach your current clients with the idea of “keeping it in the family”, without sounding like your agenda is just to earn more fees as their wealth is passed to their spouse or children?

It’s a very sensitive conversation and if you don’t consider the most common blind spots as you start crafting your approach to your current clients, you’re going to miss out.

Here are some of my thoughts/blind spots to consider around these questions:

1.) Don’t assume your existing relationships will continue with your current clients’ children
The next generation always has different views and usually wants to do things differently to their parents. So, even if you manage to arrange a meeting with your clients’ children, there can’t be any assumptions made on your part. You must approach it as an entirely new relationship.

2.) Don’t base your sales conversations around informing or educating
With the changes rapidly taking place in the world, it’s tempting to latch on to the latest hot topic to prove that you’re still relevant. But that’s probably one of the most “boomer” things you can do (being teacherly). Besides, informing and educating does not generate trust, especially if you’re in a low-volume/high-margin business model. You’ll need to base your sales conversations, and your entire sales process, on something deeper than information and education.

3.) Think “iceberg”, going down deep into the children’s challenges and goals
People will always want to preserve and grow their wealth, regardless of age – that’s a universal truth. But they’re not going to accept you as the one to do it, if you enter the conversation with them as an “elder” who knows more than them. Instead you’ll need to artfully build trust by unpacking their deepest desires and issues – but you can’t do that if you’re focused on showing them your value.

The new type of clients coming after the baby boomers won’t be interested in information, education, or general financial advice – they can get that for free online, or from advisors dispensing “free consulting”.

The only way you’ll be able to bridge to the next generation is through trust-based languaging and a framework where the children say to themselves: “he/she really gets us and I can really feel that connection.”

Only trusted authorities know how to do this, which requires a completely different mindset shift.

What got you here, won’t get you there…you’ve heard that before, but now it’s for real.

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If you're an ambitious advisor, with a defiant streak (following the crowd isn't your thing), who is overly reliant on referrals, with limited time and resources, but willing to grow and challenge your own thinking -- and you'd be happy with 1 – 2 new high-net-worth clients per month...

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"Nobody even blinks when I offer my fee, they gladly accept it"
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"I'm just working through your formula and it simply works"
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"I wish I met you 20 years ago..."
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"I would not be here without your expertise"
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"I finally learned to shut up and stop talking about me!"
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"We are onboarding at 100% from our work together"
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Meet The Author

Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is one the most sought-after sales conversion experts for Financial Advisors. 

He is the creator of Unlock The Game®, a completely new revolutionary sales approach that overturns the notion of selling as we know it today.

Ari has been featured in CEO Magazine, SkyNews, Forbes, INC Magazine and the Australian Financial Review.

His newest book, “Trusted Authority”, has become an instant best-seller among Financial Advisors worldwide.

With clients in over 35 countries, his global sales systems have become the most successful Trust-Based Selling systems of our time.

In a day and age where technology rules the selling world, for many growth-oriented advisors, deep trust has taken a “back seat” to the sales process.

Ari’s personal insights on how to build trust between buyers and sellers continue to break new ground in the financial services industry.

Ari has been on a mission for the last two decades to change the financial services world through trust.

Through his sold-out talks all over the world and his in-house trainings for high-producing advisors, Ari has become the global ambassador to businesses all over the world.

He regularly connects with global business icons and leaders of industries seeking his counsel on how to infuse trust in their organisations and across their teams.

Ari is a true “disruptor” in the financial services industry. He has been endorsed by legendary sales mentors like Brian Tracy who said: “Ari Galper’s trust-based selling approach is the greatest sales breakthrough in the last 20 years”.

ari richard

Ari’s sales growth consulting firm has a growing waiting list of financial advisors wanting access to his unique Trusted Authority lead generation models and sales conversion strategy advice.

Ari is also the author of “Lessons From Toby”, a special book about his son Toby who has Down’s Syndrome, who has made a major impact on Ari’s approach to teaching authenticity and trust in his Trust-Based Selling approach.

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