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The World’s #1 Authority On Trust-Based Selling

Shifting Your Sales Mindset – Aikido and Unlock The Game

In the past few weeks, I’ve started to take my two sons Toby and Nathan to Aikido classes.

Aikido is a Japanese martial art based on diverting an attacker’s energy to resolve conflict.
353Surprisingly, it has tremendous synchronicity to what I teach my Unlock The Game Inner Circle members.
I’ve just picked up Aikido again, bringing my kids along, after taking a break from it for a year or so.

As I’ve begun to re-acquaint myself with the techniques and the philosophy of the power of diffusing conflict, more and more similarities are emerging to my philosophy about selling.

You see, if you’re selling the old way “going for the close” and “playing the numbers game”, you can’t help but to be create conflict with the very people you are hoping to sell too.

Sales pressure and the reaction to it, rejection, is triggered by the person initiating the sales relationship.

The more you use old-school sales techniques and sales thinking, the faster your prospect’s guard goes up, and then you hit what I call “the wall”. It’s a painful place to be.

And if that’s the only way you’ve been trained to sell, then it’s not your fault.

Because all you know, is what you know.

That’s why shifting your mindset to a place of being centered, where you care more about the person you’re helping than the commission you’re after, is the center of the calm.

It’s the center of power and trust.

When your prospect feels genuinely understood by you, and that you truly care about solving their problems, then you are much closer to making a sale.

The more you enter a conversation thinking from your point of view, and talking about what you have to offer, the more sales you lose.

Good news is, if you’re truly an open-minded person, you can make the shift. If you’re not, you’ll have no choice but to continue believing there is only one way of selling.

To your success,
Ari Galper

Ari Galper

Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after sales conversion expert for Business Owners. His newest book, “Unlock The Sales Game”, has become an instant best-seller worldwide. Ari has been featured in CEO Magazine, Forbes, INC Magazine and the Australian Financial Review. He is considered a contrarian in the sales industry and in his book, everything you learned about selling will be turned upside down. No more chasing, no pressure, no closing.

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  1. Del

    I loved that you have listed the keys. Now I have a point by point tangible list to validate for others and remind myself I am selling…my way! I’m not high on myself…I’ve just followed these truths for as long as I remember. It’s good to see the comparison in black and white. I think my colleagues doubt my abilities because I don’t echo their “killer instinct” style. My different attitude (10 truths) translates to nothing for them.

    Valencia, CA

  2. Michelle Finnegan Nixon

    When I read the words “Connect” in the article–my brain flashed back to an old commercial by AT&T that said” Reach out and touch somebody’s hand make it a better place if you can”. I find it a bit ironic that we use the telephone to connect with people and yet so many of us were so caught up with making the “Sale” that we forgot the obvious — which is to connect. Ari thank you for this. The telephone truely is a connecting device and sometimes we need to be reminded of that.

    Bakersfield Ca USA

  3. Jorke Van Eerten,

    I am really happy with an approach like this. It gives me a positive feeling that someone is finally making sense here.


  4. Michael Manning

    So glad to see Toby is happy and healthy. We bought a whole bunch of your “Toby Lessons” books and gave one to each of our clients. They’re life changing. Ari you continue to impress with your authenticity and your pragmatism. Your Inner Circle is the most stable place to be as the world changes. And I’m loving sales again, because of precisely what you teach. Keep holding up the flag, we’ll follow.

    Cleveland, Ohio