This Trick Will Help You Operate Your Low-Volume, High-Price Business
The idea of random selling, which has now become the norm for a lot of consultants out there, and that’s like, you know, basically having to do everything. Like for instance, networking, landing pages, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, trade shows, LinkedIn. Got to do video, it’s the hottest thing. Got to do video. If you don’t do video, you’re nobody. Or how about Google? You’re not number one on Google. You’re what? You’re nobody, right?
So how do we operate in an environment like this, and fight inactivity, if we’re in the business of building our authority, right?
If you’re operating a low-volume, high-price point business, you got to rethink your energy and time to focus only on where your ideal clients are, to track them, too. Does that make sense? You got to clear the noise out a bit. Get clarity on when to spend your time running your business.
So all that activity ends up in a situation like this, in that circle, chasing the prospects. Which end up in what I call hit-and-miss marketing, essentially.