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The World’s #1 Authority On Trust-Based Selling

Are You Looking For World-Class Trust-Based Selling Content For Your Newsletter, Blog, Membership Site -- or Just To Send Out To Your List?

If so, below is a partial list of articles written by Ari Galper, the world's #1 authority on trust-based selling -- if you would like articles provided to you, for free, to add value to your subscribers, clients or members -- simply complete this form below and we'll be in touch!

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Should You Ignore Do-It-Yourselfers?

Which Is More Profitable: More Leads Or Better Conversion?

Your Prospects Don’t Need To Like You – To Hire You

Why “Follow-Up” Should Be Banned

Why Do Fact-Finding Questions Break Trust?

Giving Away Information Is Very Costly

Do Your Designations Actually Create Trust?

Decisiveness: A Weakness In Your Sales Process?

Are You Still On The “Give Free Value” Bandwagon?

Are You Selling The Future To Your Prospects?

Stop Delivering Pre-Sale Value

Indecision – When Your Prospect Is “Interested” But Won’t Commit

Stop Building Pre-Sale Relationships

“Tire Kickers” – Is More Leads The Solution?

Don’t Focus on the Number of Prospects You Bring In

Seminars & Workshops: A Declining Model

Are You Doing Free Consulting?

The Feast or Famine

How To Kick The Habit: Poor Quality Lead Addiction

The Truth: Are You Really Listening or Waiting For Your Turn To Talk?

Blind Spots To Building Trust With The Next Generation

Are You Over-Educating And Losing The Sale?

Centers Of Influence – A Declining Model?

Four Blind Spots In Your Lead-Qualification Process

Your Value Proposition Has Little Value

How To De-Commoditize Your Sales Process

The More Meetings You Have, The Fewer Clients You’ll Get

Relationship-Selling vs Creating Real Trust

Stop Giving Value For Free

A New Mindset To Acquire High-Net Worth Clients

The End Of The Sales “Close”

How To Walk Away From A Non-Fit Prospect

How To Not Lose A Prospect In Your First Meeting

How To Stay On Track In Your Sales Conversations

What To Do When Your Calls Aren’t Being Returned 

Redefining Resistance: How To Defuse, Not Overcome Objections

The End Of The Discovery Meeting

When Prospects Give You The “Silent Treatment” – Part 1

Is Your Marketing System A Revolving Door?

Stop Wasting Your Money On “Presence” Marketing

Are You Fishing For Ideal Clients In The Sea Or A Pond?

How Can Denzel Washington Grow Your Practice?

Four Signs You’re Talking To The Wrong Prospects

Being a “General Practitioner” Advisor is a Bad Career Choice

Are You Ready To Shift Your Business Into High Gear?

The Hidden Costs Of Targeting Non-Ideal Clients

The Reasons You Are Losing Potential Clients Is Not Rational

What’s The Secret To Making The Sale In 2023?

Why Relying On Referrals Is A Liability

Seven Mindset Shifts to Grow Your Practice

How To Differentiate Your Business in 2023

Are You A Trusted Advisor Or A Trusted Authority?

The Marketing Funnel Is Dead – Now What?

Are You Running Out Of “Warm” Opportunities?

What Business Are You Really In?

Doctors Don’t Do Coffee – Why Should You?

Do You Have A Sales Road Map?

Seven Mindset Shifts to Grow Your Practice

How To End The Sales Conversation, Without Ending the Sale

Are You Doing Free Consulting?

Stop Delivering Pre-Sale Value

Let Go Of The Sale To Bring On More Clients

“The Curse Of Mastery”: Why You’re Losing Potential Clients

Are You Deep-Diving Inside Your Sales Conversations?

Are You Fact-Finding or Trust-Building?

Why Do Financial Advisors Lose 7 out of 10 Sales Opportunities?

How To Avoid Getting “Shopped” Against Other Advisors

Why You Should Stop Using The Words “Follow-Up”

Why Do Financial Advisors Lose 7 out of 10 Sales Opportunities?