Printing Services

“I’ve learned how to diffuse the pressure points in a cold call.”

“The most important lesson I have learned is the ability to spot and give a name to the response from either the client or myself, when pressure starts building up during a cold call. This has given me the ability to steer the conversation very quickly away from the area where pressure is rising or adapt my approach to show more humility in order to reduce the pressure and keep the conversation/relationship alive. I have also learned that (and you said this in one of the CD’s) some of my approach to sales is very similar to “unlock the game”, but now instead of being this way with some of my clients (usually the ones I know the best and have the most respect for), I am actively looking at and making sure that I behave this way with all my potential and existing clients.”

Christian Pepper
Sales Consultant, Printers Direct - UK
“I’ve heard so many sales pitches about how this book or that seminar can help you become a better salesperson… only to wade through a lot of fluff. It was a refreshing surprise to get only good, solid nuggets with no “fluff” in the entire hour-long session! You provided specific responses to objections, and explained how and why they work. This is the kind of information I can begin to use immediately.”
Kim Daniels
Account Manager, Text & Image, Inc.
“I have studied mostly: Spin, Gitomer, Hopkins, and Meisenheimer. Your program is like stepping into the future. I have to admit I was doing a lot of chasing prior to listening to your Unlock The Game. You’ve opened my eyes.
Mike McDonough
Principal, Flexo Graphics