The World’s #1 Authority On Trust-Based Selling
You know the drill, you schedule a call with a potential prospect for your offering, you have a great conversation with them, they give you positive signals they are interested in working with you, then you hear “I need to think about it”.
What the heck is going on with that?
If you are hearing at least one of these after your initial consultation with your prospect, something is seriously wrong with your sales process:
– “Sounds good…”
– “I need to think about it…”
– “We need a proposal from you”
– “I need to digest what you told me…”
– “Send me a follow-up email and I’ll get back to you…”
– “I need to talk to my partner about this and will let you know the outcome…”
Hearing those statements is what makes selling painful. And this month, in my upcoming Stump The Guru livestream I’m going to show you what do to when you hear any of those responses.
I’ve made it my life’s mission to create the clarity that is missing in the traditional sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.
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