
Got a question?

The World’s #1 Authority On Trust-Based Selling

Truth vs Sale

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  1. Videos-sales Pressure

    Very happy with the videos i have seen …. I have been to numerous sales training seminars and they all seem to revlove around the same techniques which in the past have been a little boring. You have opened up my world and look forward to seeing more….
    Thank you for sharing your experiences and solutions to open up future opportunities..

    unlicking the truth- problem solver, NSW,Australia

  2. Virginia

    Wow, selling with integrity! I knew it had to be possible but I had no idea how. Thank you so much for all you share.


  3. Marc

    Hi Ari,

    I think it’s great what you teach I want
    To learn more.


  4. Isabella Tan

    Hi Ari, what you teach us is AMAZING! I’ve just been in the cold call industry for a while, and i was required to be tough on the phone as i was trained so. But i sometimes doubt about what i was doing there, all the pushy, the pressure, the objections make my head grow two times! And i feel something is not right there yet i can’t tell what it is. And now when i watched your video, i find the Answer! Cold call don’t have to be all cold, we can make it relax with trust and integrity! ‘open'”that’s not a problem”those are magic words! And most important thing is, you qualify the client and let him tell you the truth by a easy way! No words can express myself now except WOW, WOW, WOW. I left the cold call industry 9months ago, and now i can’t wait to came back and apply all what i learn from you. I will do that! And wish to have more video from you! Hope that someday i can come to Australia and watch your alive show!


  5. Stanil Dobrev

    “That’s not a problem”… Great stuff, Ari!
    You make the selling seem so natural human activity. 🙂


  6. Ruth

    All great information!! thank you

    Edison, NJ US

  7. Sabine

    your information is like a revelation I have been waiting for a long time!

    Thanks heaps


  8. Joedel Barro

    Thanks ari,really helps,looking forward from you again

    Cebu City,Philippines

  9. Frank Hernandez Jr

    Hello Ari
    I have been enlightend by your approach for selling. I have been in sales for a short while and my core belief about selling anything is integrity. Your way of teaching this shows that you are a man of integrity and truethfulness . Great Video . God Bless Your Son He’s Awesome. Thank You

    CVhicago ill, 60639

  10. Helmut

    An amazing perspective to sales. Natural and honest. Your approach leaves the customer in control to be honest with you.

    Sacramento, CA

  11. Barry Mermelstein


    You are a natural. You found the right niche for yourself. I tuned in to hear some suggestions as I may end up in my own business in a few years and will be chief cook and bottle washer, including sales. As a former therapist, who helped people to discover who they were and find a better way, the focus on the client and their needs seems to be the most logical way to go.

    I enjoyed what I heard, and learned.

    United States

  12. Delroy Elliott

    Ari, these videos are fantastic, can we get them in MP3 format so I can listen on my way to work?

    Ilford Essex

  13. Carl Palmer

    Ari… just adding my thank you for this new approach to selling best I have heard…looking forward to hearing more

    Idaho, USa

  14. Iris

    That was great!!!!


  15. Truth-vs -Sale

    Love it You are the best trainer I have heard.
    I would love to hear some more on objections.
    Thank You In Advance

    United States

  16. Faridah

    Amazing Ari! I always KNEW there had to be a better way — and you’ve captured it!


  17. Jeff Keup


    The language, the vocal patterns, the matter-of-fact attitude, almost transforms the salesperson into a facilitator–and the customer into a needed business partner. I can’t think of a better way to build a long-lasting relationship!

    San diego, Ca

  18. Adrian Dreksler

    Amazing approach ,it is about time to “humanized”sales and convert it into a tool to help people.

    Thanks Ari for showing the way.


  19. Victor Forbes

    Your son Toby is a beautiful little boy, I would be proud for him to be a friend of my son (Jackson) who will be 7 in December.

    Sydney, Australia

  20. Siddhaarthun

    Thank you very much Ari. This is something different and new to me and I am going to apply it starting from this point. Cheers!

    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  21. Abraham

    This guy is great. Just saw a couple short videos & its helping me already!


  22. Greg

    Thanks for your invaluable information Ari. My attitude is changing and you are adding value to me – thankyou. The business conversations I have with people tomorrow will be different as a result, and I’m excited about that!

    Newcastle, Australia

  23. Remove sales pressure

    Incredible conversational language, digging into the hidden meaning behind the statements was captivating. I am definitely going to apply in my practice

    Mumbai, maharashtra, India

  24. Brenda

    Great clip! Just saying “That’s not a problem” makes me relax! Love the idea of never having to “pitch” again. Good job!

    Augusta, GA

  25. Josue

    Truth vs Sale
    For many years I had been focused on the sale rather than the truth. Thanks for your tons of help, magic words “That’s not a Problem.”

    San Salvador, El Salvador

  26. Madan

    Hai Ari,
    It was a great helping guidance from you, the 3 words “That’s not a Problem” Worked out
    Thanks a lot Sir!

    Bangalore, India

  27. Paul

    Hi Ari, I have been with you guys for two months and I have just got a new customer using UTG which is great , i always struggled to cold call
    and just got into coping with rejection all the time.
    This is just what I have been looking for keep up the good work!

    London, UK

    • Ari Galper

      Great Job Paul! So glad you are shifting your mindset and finding success with Unlock The Game. All it takes is commitment and a willingness to change.

  28. Bo Esbensen

    Hey Ari.
    Great stuff…
    have you got any material about the realy competive customers who do NOT wish to comply..? Those who keep the pressure on and attack on and on…?
    thx Bo Esbensen Denmark.


  29. Jeanette Spofford

    Wow! Over the last five years our sales team has studied question based selling from many sources. Your solution is the best I have seen. I love the authenticity and the relaxed (defuse the pressure) approach. We are going to want to see more. Thank you for the help.

    Pittsburgh, PA

  30. Ana P. Tuccillo

    Thanks for sharing all the tips … great stuff!

    Manalapan, NJ

  31. Bradley Briggs

    Hi Ari, You have made the difference. I have used your methods and had amazing results. When calling a CEO, before I was totally in the mindset, his response was you sound like a salesman… I used some of your approach, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to come across that way, I don’t know if I have anything to sell you. The result were so defusing he spent the next 54 minutes giving me referals in his industry. And that was not a problem! Thank you for your great help. I enjoy mentoring on the Chat Line as well. This truth video is, as all your videos just what I needed.

    Lexington, MA

  32. Mike Pedersen

    This is very good. I love the word “open”. I’m getting over my angst of the “two ton” phone.

    Cave Creek, AZ

  33. Chris

    Great stuff Ari!! Have been using UTG for a few months now. Feeling very relaxed about selling again….why did it take you so long to come to AUS!

    Brisbane, Australia

  34. Tracy

    Good stuff Ari! I hate feeling like I’m chasing someone that is not interested or is the wrong person I need to talk to for a product or service. Thank you for Unlocking the Game for so long. Continued blessings to you and your family.

    San Diego, CA

  35. Allison

    Ari, I have your programs “Unlock the Game 1 & 2.” All I can tell you is that your programs was the first time in my business life I had the mindset, process and tools to totally erase all anxiety in the sales conversation.

    I shifted from confusion and anxiety to complete confidence AND creating more sales easily and effortlessly. I have virtually zero objections in my sales conversations AND I create more sales.

    You were a HUGE breath of fresh air in the sales area of my business. Thank you for the transformation! I LOVE what you do/teach!

    Atlanta, GA

    • Ari Galper

      Hi Allison, great to hear from you and you are experiencing EXACTLY what everyone experiences when they stay open minded, “let go” of traditional sales thinking, focus on creating trust in selling and immersing themselves deep into Unlock The Game. I’m hoping you and I can meet soon as I’ll be announcing something BIG next week that you’re going to love!

  36. Si

    Yes excellent video. I do like ‘thats not a problem’ and we dont want to replace….



  37. Nigel

    Wonderful -thanks Ari – it all makes sooo much sense. And congratulations on taking feedback from my previous live chat – and adding the length of the video – much appreciated! I’d still love to be able to pause and rewind to capture those nuggets, though 😉
    Can’t wait for the next installment…

    Leeds, England

  38. Martha Chiriboga

    I previously purchase both Master 1 and Mastery 2 and I just want to say how appreciative I am of how you keep up with the current trends.

    I don’t know if Maya still works there, but she was very helpful to me, too.

    Keep up the good work.


    P.S. We haven’t had any updates about your son. How is he?

    Cape Coral, FL

    • Ari Galper

      Hi Martha, great to hear from you. Maya left a while back and yes she was great. Toby is doing fantastic thank you so much for asking. He is in a main stream school and is happy as can be.

      We are having an Unlock The Game special event soon that you’ll be hearing about soon to help you reconnect with us.

      We’ll be in touch.

  39. Roger Appleby

    Beautiful, I so love the idea of developing the ability to avoid a fruitless chase, that accomplishes nothing except sucking the motivation out of myself.

    • Ari Galper

      So true Roger, the “chasing game” is absolutely fruitless when you are chasing prospects who have not told you the truth of what they are thinking. Once you can get to the truth early on in the process, chasing turns into connecting, that’s when selling stops being painful.

  40. Truth vs Sale

    I have been in sales & mlm most of my life I like that you cover ALL the steps, what are some objections, what’s behind the objections, words to defuse the objections and where to go next. Steve Bilenky on Facebook.

    Va Beach, Va USA

  41. Michael Rimman

    I’ve already tried the ideas from your last video and you’re right they work! What was holding me back was my own foolish skepticism, probably just burnt out from the same old same old sales ideas out there. I’m ready for more.

    Phoenix, Arizona

  42. Stacy Minton

    I’m sending this to everyone I know. You’ve got charisma and your strategies make SO MUCH sense. When are you coming to the US to give us Ari live?

    New York

    • Ari Galper

      Hi Stacy, thank you so much. I’ll actually be making an annoucement soon about coming back to the US for our first global sales event…stay tuned!

  43. Christian Johansen

    Mate, this is absolutely fantastic material. Of all the American sales leaders, you are by far the one that has a message and vision we can all connect with. Keep up the great work Ari!

    Melbourne, Australia

  44. Hank Rynan

    This is your best video clip so far Ari! Great content, I’ve got a page of notes. What you are teaching is so profound, please send more.

    Dallas, Texas

  45. Mike


    I enjoyed your video clip. It’s reminiscent of the summit in LAX, which I liked then, too! I will continue to repeat the video so I can burn the process, verbiage into my mind so it becomes second nature. Thank you!

    ~ Mike J.

  46. Martin Gray

    i don’t have a problem with your presentation but would like to go further with the conversation taking it into the LinkedIn conversations

  47. Frederick Perry

    Hi Ari
    This way of handle rejection is excellent. This has got me over the hump for many years.

  48. mike

    100% truth. Telling the truth creating trust is the only way.


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