How To Position Yourself As The “Only Choice” In Your Market Transcript: Until this couple of years ago, it used to be enough to essentially have a great product, be knowledgeable, have expertise. How many of you have case studies that prove that you’re competent? Who can prove to a client? You probably all have case studies, success stories behind you, right? An expert has […]
The Secret To Winning The Hearts And Minds Of Your Customers Transcript: In the last couple years, what has happened is that, essentially, credibility has become commoditized. And that’s interesting. We’ve been taught over the years to be credible. Which means proving our competence. Showing we’re good at what we do. And here’s the thing about this, is that basically, your potential clients can’t judge […]
The Mindset That’ll Take You Away From The Need To Chase Clients Transcript: The doctor has what I call ‘trust assets’ that make him perceived immediately as an authority without even knowing if he’s ethical or not. Trusted authorities don’t present, pitch, and sell. They diagnose the problem to then see if it makes sense to move forward. That’s the mindset you got to move into […]
This Trick Will Help You Operate Your Low-Volume, High-Price Business Transcript: The idea of random selling, which has now become the norm for a lot of consultants out there, and that’s like, you know, basically having to do everything. Like for instance, networking, landing pages, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, trade shows, LinkedIn. Got to do video, it’s the hottest thing. Got to do video. If […]
Once You Understand This Process, It’ll Be Easier To Avoid Pending Deals Transcript: Who in the room has had a deal pending? Did all the good work, positive vibes, whatever. The contract didn’t come through or they’ve asked for the email and it didn’t come through. It just falls through at the end. Who’s been there before? You know what I’m talking about? You work hard […]