Trust Crosses All Geographic Boundaries

One of the most common questions I’m asked by business owners and salespeople from around the world is: “Does your trust-based sales approach work in my country?” Even though we’ve sold over 37,000 CDs and DVDs in over 38 countries, that question still comes up quite a bit. To answer it, I thought I’d share […]

The Myth of the Inbound Sales Lead

A few days ago, I spent an hour or so interviewing a few sales people from a company that has been patiently waiting for a time slot to open up on my schedule so they can engage me to transform their sales team. Classic problem: Lot’s of activity, diminishing productivity. One of the reps said […]

Why “Consultative” Selling Is Dead

Usually when I take on a corporate engagement to transform a sales team to a higher level of sales results, based on the Unlock The Game trust-based sales approach, I always hit a lot of resistance in the first few hours when I’m face-to-face in front of sales team. I typically expect resistance, because most […]

What’s Wrong With Your Sales Team?

Last week my team fielded an inquiry from a Director of Sales of a high-tech company here in Australia who was intrigued with the trust-based selling approach of Unlock The Game, but wasn’t sure if it would apply to his sales team. After a pleasant conversation with him, his last words to me were, “I […]

Important Life Lessons About Treating People With Respect

My 5 year old son Nathan has been asking me to get him started in martial art classes over the last couple of years. When he was 3 years old, I had him sit in my Aikido classes and he was fascinated with what he saw. As any young boy would, he loved watching the […]