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The World’s #1 Authority On Trust-Based Selling

Toby’s New Book! 52 Life Lessons

52 Life Lessons

Order Toby’s book 52 Life Lessons for ($13.95) here

Dear Friend,

If you’ve been a subscriber of mine for some time now, you probably know about the article I wrote about my son Toby’s second birthday called “Lessons From Toby”.

  Well, I just finished writing a new book that was inspired by the immense reaction to that article about the life wisdom I’ve gleaned from Toby.

  It was shortly after his second birthday that I decided to write the “Lessons From Toby” article because of the profound impact that he has had on me and my ability to live in the moment.

  Only a few minutes after this article was sent out via email, hundreds of heart-filled responses to the article starting pouring in from around the world with messages like this:

  “Thanks for bringing things into perspective and reminding me to view things with an open heart as Toby does. Also a wonderful lesson for all of us who are constantly pushed to do more in 24 hours than ever before. Good to hear from you and how generous of you to share this with us”.

  “Toby is the true ‘guru’…his wisdom about slowing down to focus is more applicable as each day passes”.

  “God bless you Toby for being the special person you are and for teaching us all such valuable lessons! You are much loved by many”.

“Thank you for helping us all be better people and to treat each other a little more humanely”.

  “Thank you, Toby – thanks for helping us focus on what truly is important in life…and realizing that it’s not what we tend to spend most of our time on. I would also like to thank you, Ari, for sharing your family with us”.

  And those are just a few of the hundreds of responses that have come in ever since I sent out that article.

  On Toby’s fourth birthday, I felt inspired to send out the article again to my subscribers at the beginning of the new year, because I realized that Toby’s wisdom is timeless, and everyone could probably use a reminder of what’s most important in life.

  To my surprise, sending out the same article again two years later got an even larger reaction. More and more emails flowed in saying, “We want more lessons from Toby” and “Help us stay centered in our business and personal lives as our lives move faster and faster.”

  Well, I was so inspired by how much the “Lessons From Toby” article meant to all of my clients and subscribers, I decided to sit down and write 52 life lessons inspired by all the comments and emails from the reactions to the article.

  I combed through hundreds of them, looked for the “wisdom nuggets,” and then wrote 52 “life lessons” that I felt Toby would write one day after living more years in his life.

  And that’s how this book came to be.

  This isn’t a “how to” book, it’s a “how to be” book.

  Many of you have already ordered copies of the book for your friends, family, and clients – thank you so much for that.

When you order “Lessons From Toby: 52 Life Lessons – Weekly Reminders to Keep You Centered in Both Your Personal and Business Life” you’ll get the:

 1)Hard book mailed to you


2)52 lessons from the “Toby Book” emailed to you, one every week, first one arrives a few minutes after you place your order

Order Toby’s book for ($13.95) here

(you can order more than one copy from that order link)

  (10% of all proceeds from the “Toby Book” will be donated to the Down Syndrome Association.)

To your success,

Ari Galper

Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after sales conversion expert for Business Owners. His newest book, “Unlock The Sales Game”, has become an instant best-seller worldwide. Ari has been featured in CEO Magazine, Forbes, INC Magazine and the Australian Financial Review. He is considered a contrarian in the sales industry and in his book, everything you learned about selling will be turned upside down. No more chasing, no pressure, no closing.

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  1. Donna Cox

    Hi Ari

    I was at your event and I have heard your story twice now and it touched me both times. You may be lucky to have Toby in your life however he is fortunate to have you as his Father. The fact that you gained so much from him and have put this to good use will only inspire his future for life.

    Sydney Australia

  2. Steve Shapiro

    This book really hits close to the heart. Having a special needs child and being widowed for a couple of years now it makes you step back and give you a totally different perspective.

    The mindset have given me a new outlook on my business and personal life. As I journey thru this difficult part of my life what better inspiration could there possibly be. The book and the mindset couldn’t have come into my life at a better time.

    Thank you Ari.

    St. Louis, MO

  3. Chris King

    The book and Toby are a delightful addition to my daily reading. Great lessons and beutiful stories. I picture that smiling face as I read them.

    Thanks, Ari, for this wonderful and inspiring book!

    Cleveland, Ohio, USA

  4. MaryPat Kavanagh


    I purchased your book last month–it was a no-brainer. I already knew that the stories inside would be life-changing. But I didn’t realize how powerful and timely each of your weekly messages would be. Your email last week describing your experience with the waitress in LA–that doesn’t surprise me one bit. Every week that I get Toby’s message, I forward off to a handful of my friends and family because it is so relevant to our lives. I know that they are forwarding these messages as well.

    Thank you for packaging these messages into a book, and especially for sharing the messages on a weekly basis. It keeps reminding me what is really important in life!

    MaryPat Kavanagh

    Tooele, UT, USA

  5. Deepak Lodhia

    Toby, you words are so inspiring to me and my two sons. God Bless You.
    Deepak,Mira, Kishan and Shyam

    Coventry United Kingdom

  6. Ed

    My friend’s sister’s son, age 8, died last week. Started coughing up blood and 1 week later was dead. Second 8 year old son to die in the family.
    Moral: So you think you have problems that ‘totally’ occupy your day? Get on with life and take each ‘failure’ or whatever and look to make the most of it.
    I skied into a tree once and lost 5 months of work…turned out to be one of the best events of my life. Negative events are only that. Life goes on…enjoy each day like Toby

    Hopewell Jct NY

  7. Amanda Rawls

    Happy birthday to beautiful Toby. Thank you for the words Ari. They always seem to come at the right time. You Ari need GREAT KUDOS (and Michelle)for taking something that some would appear devastating and put it into words of LIFE. You are amazing. Just know you have a lot of readers that thank you. God Bless.

    Elk Grove CA

  8. Brad Henneman

    Ari, your insights and inspiration continue to add so much to so many lives…Blessings to you and your family in the years ahead

    Binghamton, NY

  9. Arthur

    Ari, Thanks for sharing Toby and your family with us. Ari I want to once again state that over the last year I have also learnt much from you.You have always shared from your heart and with conviction and passion. I know that some day we will have the pleasure to meet you.

    Again the book is on my must list.

    Take care

