Who’s the guru behind the guru…

My son Toby, who you probably know by now, is truly an inspiration. 

For the last six weeks, he’s been in a body cast to heal an operation he had on his hip back in September.

Let me tell you, it’s been a tough six weeks. Every night, he’s been up with me and/or Michelle because of cramping in his legs.

I’ve been getting up at 2am every night for a couple of hours to rub his legs and help him get back to sleep.

Despite all those early mornings, Toby has been HAPPY, despite the frustration of being in a body cast for such a long time.

There’s a lot of wisdom we can all learn from Toby about how he views life and obstacles that get in his way.

They key lesson is that he doesn’t acknowledge obstacles, he just moves on and deals with what is in front of him.

He doesn’t complain, make excuses or give up.

I know a lot of business owners that could learn a few things from Toby.

Almost every week, we receive emails from people complaining they are having trouble growing their businesses and they are reaching their end point, many ready to throw in the towel.

It’s amazing how the characteristic of RESILIENCE is so rare in many business owners today.

Why is that?

Because in general, as a society, we have become complacent.

We want to find an “easy button” to fix our problems. When “life happens”, we want to crawl under our beds and hope everything will get better.

“Hopeium” doesn’t work, but resilience and self-confidence does.

If you’re trying everything you can to grow your business and you are feeling “stuck”, don’t give up.

If you’re working “in” your business and not “on” your business every day, then stop for a moment, and THINK how you can change that.

When perceived obstacles get in your way, go around them.

Look, life can be tough, even for successful people, and if there is one core lesson that we can all learn from Toby, it’s this:

Be an inspiration to yourself, don’t let anything get in your way, and look beyond your immediate circumstances.

(Toby’s cast should be coming off next week and he’ll probably be out playing soccer with the other kids very soon. If you’d like some incredible insights from Toby, grab a copy of “Toby’s Book: How To Stay Centered In Your Personal and Business Life”, visitwww.TobysBook.com)

Ari Galper

Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after sales conversion expert for Business Owners. His newest book, “Unlock The Sales Game”, has become an instant best-seller worldwide. Ari has been featured in CEO Magazine, Forbes, INC Magazine and the Australian Financial Review. He is considered a contrarian in the sales industry and in his book, everything you learned about selling will be turned upside down. No more chasing, no pressure, no closing.

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12 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing your own story, Toby is a great leader to follow!
    And yes, we (the people) think that we need to learn from the first time and therefore give up too early. But we need to DO IT again and again and again until it’s really complete. Whatever it takes… Best Regards


  2. Thank you again for and amazing content, and good luck to Toby

    Birmingham mi

  3. Whilst waiting outside my local coffee shop on Wednesday morning, i heard someone beeping the horn at me, it had already been a stressful start to the day, i turned around and though who the heck is that? I saw the passenger window roll down expecting someone shouting abuse or saying something unpleasant, instead what i got was a wave accompanied with a huge smile from the happiest little boy just heading out for the day in the car. That boy was Toby, Ari’s son. I learned a valuable lesson, dont jump to conclusions before you know all the facts. I had a great day and am still smiling now on friday evening. Have a great weekend everyone and smile!

    Sydney, NSW Australia

  4. I’ll be praying for Toby’s successful recovery–Yes, and I’ll just “Do It”. Thanks for all the great wisdom you share.


  5. After I write this comment, you know what I am going to do?

    DO IT!

    CCIM, Sacramento CA

  6. On behalf of my family, I send our love and speedy recovery wishes to your son


  7. We are but stewards to those precious angels that God sends to us which we call sons and daughters. Within them are instilled life’s lessons in wisdom. If we allow ourselves to feel the love then those lessons are unveiled. Thank you for sharing those that you have unveiled with your love.

    San Francisco

  8. Hey Ari,
    Keep the truth coming… This stuff is our truth mate because when we are on a roll it’s all really very good and when we are not going as well we can use this to come back again and we always do.

    Thanks for caring enough to share.

    Sydney, Australia

  9. Love to Toby…and loved that video of Art Williams, Ari you are an inspiration to all of us!

    Dallas, TX

  10. Please give Toby some big hugs, he is SUCH an inspiration, I bought Toby’s book when he was three years old and it never leave my bedside.

    Brisbane, Australia

  11. I have been following you for 13 years and you have never missed a beat. You have been consistent in your message, you give tremendous value, and your principles of trust and authenticity are timeless. No wonder you keep reaching new heights, you are the “Richard Branson” of sales…keep up the great work and just do it!

    Los Angeles, CA