
Got a question?

The World’s #1 Authority On Trust-Based Selling

Win a scholarship to Sales Breakthrough 2010…

Have you ever won a scholarship to get tickets to an event you really wanted to attend?

I did a couple of years ago here in Sydney Australia and it was a thrill to get a free ride to an exclusive seminar that I knew would transform both my professional and personal life (and it did).

For the next 72 hours, I’m going to give you the same opportunity, a one-time chance to a win a scholarship to our exclusive 3-day Sales Breakthrough 2010 event in Los Angeles, Nov. 8 – 10.

Here’s what you can win:

1. Two tickets to Sales Breakthrough 2010

2. Three nights hotel at the Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel

3. $100 in cash for meals

(All of the above.)

Here’s how to win:

Just write a comment below this blog post telling me about something you’ve learned from my newsletters, CDs/DVDs, videos, blog posts and/or emails that have helped you get results you never thought were possible.

It could be anything. A success you had approaching a new customer, diffusing a tense moment, making a sale that was effortless, getting a phone call back from a pressure-free email exchange, gaining the confidence to pick up the phone without fear, etc.

Simply share your success story in detail, let me know how my teachings have helped you, and then we’ll randomly select a winner this Wednesday Oct. 6th at 8:00 pm EST.

At 8:00pm EST this Wed. night, I’ll be hosting an OPEN Q&A call with me, where you can call in and ask me any sales challenge you may be having and I’ll give you an answer on the spot, live.

I charge $1,000 for a one-hour consultation, so this is your chance to pick my brain at no cost.

(It’ll also give you a taste of the kind of live on-site coaching I’ll be doing at Sales Breakthrough 2010).

From the survey results we sent out a few weeks ago, it was clear there are probably plenty of questions on your mind you’d like me to answer and what a better way to do that than on an OPEN Q&A call this Wednesday night.

Here are the call in details to schedule in your calendar:

WHAT: OPEN Q&A Call Live with Ari
(ask any sales question you’d like)

WHEN: This Wed. 8:00 pm EST

CALL-IN NUMBER: 1-712-432-0075 ext. 101901

Five minutes of your time could win you a full scholarship to Sales Breakthrough 2010 by simply sharing your success story below from using Unlock The Game!

It’s that simple.

P.S. You don’t have to be on the QA call to win, just share your story below and we’ll notify you if you’re the winner!


Ari Galper

Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after sales conversion expert for Business Owners. His newest book, “Unlock The Sales Game”, has become an instant best-seller worldwide. Ari has been featured in CEO Magazine, Forbes, INC Magazine and the Australian Financial Review. He is considered a contrarian in the sales industry and in his book, everything you learned about selling will be turned upside down. No more chasing, no pressure, no closing.

Latest posts by Ari:

Five Creative Ways That Will Help Improve Your Sales Conversation Skills

They say that right-brained people are spontaneous, creative, and more emotional than left-brained people are. These individuals are intuitive, problem-solvers, …

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How To Recognize And Diffuse Hidden Pressures In Sales Conversations

Many sales professionals subconsciously raise red flags when making sales calls to potential clients whether they know it or not. …

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7 Sales Conversation Secrets That Even The Sales Gurus Don’t Know

Many business owners have expressed their dislike for making sales calls to prospects. A few negative emotions that are common …

Read More


  1. Derek Watson

    UTG has done great things for me personally. I thankfully was able to find Ari at the beginning of my research when transitioning into sales. Within months I made back the money it costed to purchase the fast track.

    Truly wish Ari had more books out there to keep reading.

    United States

  2. Conal Fenster

    Ari thanks for the program you created , I am going to implement your way of selling , I am convinced it will work, god bless you .. you really are helping a lot of people get rid of pressure …which helps in an overall well being of people.


  3. Raymond Regan

    Finally some one put this Style in a System I have SOLD
    in this style since 70’s but No One seamed 2 Listen when I said your Hard sell is putting folk OFF! Got so much Flack I kept it 2my self & just kept on Braking Sales Records & no 1 could see why other Reps hated me But Bosses Loved me! I called it the Art of Selling With out Selling! But Now I can Fine Tune it for 21st Century Thanks to Ari, off 2 his NZ Seminar 2Morrow to Help Real estate mates sell more!

    Auckland New Zealand

  4. Adam Price

    Ari and his mindset has helped me in so many ways, becuase life is so much more than just selling to others. What Ari actually teaches is how to take the “Sales Part” out of the equation and just be human being to human being, solving some issues they have and the sale all of a sudden dissapears and the you’re asked to help and their willing to pay “Whatever” amount to get you.

    I’ve done this with so many industries now it’s not funny, from selling gym memberships, to OH&S services, computers, insurance, internet marketing services and web design, and finally my music as I’m a country singer to get gigs at very difficult venues that normally only highly skilled agents can get into.

    So if you wonder if you should engage Ari, take the free test drive, talk to his team and feel the authenticity and deep seated knowledge of human nature that simply oozes out of him… Then decide for yourself!

    Nothing is ever sold through force, pressure, pain, or any other tactic they teach you in “Sales School”, books and videos, it’s sold through sincerely solving another persons problem and being wise enough to know when there is “NO PROBLEM” to be solved!

    Thanks Ari, for being a dear friend as well as a mentor in life in so many areas 🙂


  5. Tom Adam

    I am really impressed by reading this article. In future, you should be giving information about it more. I must have to praise you for this extra ordinary piece of work.


  6. Sandy

    Ari thanks for the program you created , I am going to implement your way of selling , I am convinced it will work, god bless you .. you really are helping a lot of people get rid of pressure …which helps in an overall well being of people.
    Thank you once again….. Keep up the good work … God bless.


  7. Khalid

    I have studied all the major sales programs over the last decade and Ari’s UTG is over and above the rest.

    The best part is that you have no pressure, work with less and make more money.

    Every sales manager should be who wants to attract and retain quality sales staff and protect/enhance their company image/ brand needs to be a student of UTG.


  8. Steven Klein

    I would begin my day with the thought of cold calling, and this horrible feeling would overcome me leaving me somewhat scared to pick up the phone, I hated it, I would prolong making calls by rewriting my script several times, improving it only from the day before, I would then walk the dog before getting started, then the moment comes to begin ,and it would be lunch time, and it would be this and that and I just was not o.k.
    But I had to do it, So I went on line and Goggled cold call techniques, I came across several companies that offer this service, I contacted them but unlock the game stood above the others, and after speaking to Bill McCarty several time and watched & listened in on some of the videos of Ari… Phone call reluctance-ended there for me, and it all came together ,I learned how to Open up a 2 way conversation, instead of a 30 second commercial, and my pitch is so simple who but Ari would have thought to begin as , Hi my name is —- Maybe you can help me out for a moment, just like that. Boom- I have the confidence needed to win them over, I love it, I am a changed man it’s incredible thanks’ to Ari Galper & Bill McCarty.

    Steven H. Klein

    Miami Florida

  9. Nelson

    Ari really knows his stuff. Just using the mindset and the language when a client disappears helped me recover two sales. The fact is, sometimes the client is not ready to buy. They’ll let you know if you ask with your mind clear of making a sale, with only an intention to find out the truth of their situation. In my case, two months later when they were both ready, they both ordered for a revenue amount worth over $8,000 with me pocketing 8% of that. Thank You Ari!

    Vancouver, BC, Canada

  10. Johnny Spicer

    Coming from the Old School of Mentors – I was able to rise to the top of Outbound Phone Golf Club Sales gigs with Gary Player Direct back-in-the-day when ‘it was a numbers game’, and rebuttals were a chance to pull clever arrows, and launch counter attacks. I added to my phone skills learning cleverness thru embedded commands and NLP . . studying with Richard Bandler. This all served me well in the late 90’s and first few years of this Century as I moved over to technology, web dev, and internet marketing sales . . training more than a few ‘phone rooms’ in this old-hat confrontational style of ‘Gold Calling’ ; yet I was becoming burned-out in the last few years . . as I began noticing not only was I not having fun anymore – my sales were getting increasingly harder to make. Cleverness was (and is) no longer the order of the day!

    Last year I was conducting a bit of research for Michael Senoff’s Hard to find seminars dot com – when I ran across Ari’s interview with Michael. I was extremely intrigued, and intuitively knew that Ari had something to teach me . . I hadn’t really realized how entrenched in my brain these old patterns of selling were. As I began to dig-in and subscribed to his newsletter . . a new wind blew across my Sails – as I practiced, and even began sharing my new found interest in ‘solving problems’ and having ‘authentic conversations/ based on ‘Truth’ with trainees from 3 different tech companies. I began to listen more to my clients, and have begun to enjoy prospecting again. Ari’s approach has changed my core values in regards to what solutions I am willing to pursue, and provide my clients. My Father used to say; ‘If it is honest, it is honorable.” and if that rings some bells with you . . Ari’s, his company, and Trainings are gonna make ‘ya ‘Sing Happy’ once again!

    I have recently signed up as an Affiliate and look forward to spreading Ari’s Message to many whom find themselves in a new economic environment where tired old prospecting approaches are failing.

    Be Well, & Best Prospecting,
    johnny spicer

    Defiant Sun Media – Big Bear Lake, CA


    Big Bear Lake, CA

  11. Stephen

    Just using “That’s not a problem” and “Where do you think we should go from here?” has made meetings much more relaxed. And the client tells me what exactly is on his mind.

    Simple, easier, more relaxed, and it works.

    Alberta Canada

  12. Jeff Pallian

    Thank you Ari for your free tips and audio trainings…I am amazed how helpful your free info has been to me and has transformed my outlook on how to connect with people both on the phone and in person.In just a little over 3 months I became the #1 top rep in my office for new sales….When I have to sit at my desk and listen to other reps make calls I realize many of the most common mistakes new and veteran sales reps make and really don’t have a clue that there is a better approach than the same old techniques that typically get taught in sales training classes most of the time !

    Portsmouth N.H.

  13. Michael

    First off, I apologize for this being so long, but after what happened today, I had to share my story with you.

    After 25+ years as an estate planner, I finally had enough with it all and decided to start my own business helping small businesses get more leads and turning them into repeat buyers. Little did I know at the time how competitive and tough it was going to be breaking into this market.

    For 10 months I was spending more than I was making on marketing and sales training with mediocre results at best. What I was learning from Tom Hopkins, SPIN Selling and the Sandler Method (to name a few), was how to take control of the sales talk and close hard… it was almost like playing chess where I had to think 7 moves ahead with the goal being to block my opponent’s moves while attacking their defense. All of these sales methodologies were touted as being the best of the best. But the truth is, they were burning me out fast. They felt so manipulative and un-authentic. Bottom line, I felt that it just wasn’t me.

    I threw myself a pity party (which was only attended by me) and was thinking about calling it quits. But then I happen to come across Unlock The Game through a referral. I remember that I wasn’t very enthusiastic about learning yet another crummy sales technique.

    On September 21st, I listened to “The 7 Secrets of Cold Calling Even The ‘Sales Gurus’ Don’t Know,” and read the 4 articles, taking copious notes. I was totally skeptical of this non-traditional sales approach and I wasn’t buying into this new “mindset” Ari was selling. I mean come on… this guy wants me to focus on a conversation and try to build trust and NOT focus on the sale. What B.S. — I was thinking.

    Over the next week I was getting emails with videos and articles, which I watched and read over not just once, but at least 9 or 10 times each.

    I can’t tell you what exactly happened that changed my mind about Ari’s sales method, but I do know that I decided to give it a try because what I was doing wasn’t working and was making me feel desperate for the sale.

    On October 1st, 2nd and 3rd, I went to work on my business. My goal was to put 100% effort and 100% heart into the Unlock The Game methodology.

    I made a poster that I hung over my desk that says “I will not make any assumptions during my sales calls. I will build a conversation with the business owner to build trust and to see if there’s a fit to do business together. My goal is to get to the truth.”

    It took me the better part of the day to come up with 2 or 3 core problems from my market’s point of view, and it was very enlightening because it forced me to articulate it. And the more I drilled down, the more clear it became to me. I know it still needs work and testing, but I think I did okay for now.

    I wrote out my script and some possible objections and rehearsed them for a few hours and went to bed that night unsure if this was going to work. I woke up at 4:00am. It was Monday, October 4th and today was the day. I lied in bed going over my script and the mindset in my head because I couldn’t go back to sleep.

    6:00am. My alarm went off and I got ready for the day. I did all my usual rituals that I do for myself, my wife and my daughters, which takes a few hours to complete. But this morning I was dragging my feet and extra hour. I kept going over my script, then listened to “The 7 Secrets to Cold Calling” again.

    It was now 9:25am. I forced myself to pick up the phone. I felt nervous and a little scared. I dialed my first business owner and got his voice mail. I was relieved he didn’t answer, hung up and went to my second dial. Someone answered…

    Business: “Hello… Staff Printing. Can I help you?”

    Me: “Hello, this is Mike speaking. Maybe you can help me out for a moment,” I said as low-key as my nerves would allow.

    Business: “Sure can. What’s on your mind?”

    Me: “I’m just giving you a call to see if your business is struggling with getting new and repeat customers through your front door.”

    Business: “Yeah… we can use a boost. But you’ll have to talk with the owner. He should be back in a few hours. His name is Arlo. It’s better to call him after 5 and before 7 when he leaves. That’s when it’s most quiet around here.”

    Me: “Thanks, I appreciate that. Say, you mentioned that you could use a boost… what did you mean by that?”

    He spent the next 15 minutes telling me everything, which I wrote down for my call to the owner. It was pretty good intelligence I thought.

    The rest of calls went pretty much the same except some went on a lot longer and some of them were not a fit.

    I should tell you that I used the “not a problem…” objection diffuser and it worked most of the time. I think I still need to work on that a lot more to get it down so it comes out naturally and logically. And when the call came to an obvious end, I’d “opened” (not closed, get it?) with, “Where do you think we should go from here?”

    The amazing part of this whole experience is that I only learned the little bit that I was given from Ari, you know, the free recordings, videos and articles. So I know that there’s more to this than what I’m stumbling around with. I’m thinking that I could accomplish much more.

    I also noticed I was making fewer dials. I usually made 30 to 50 calls on Monday and Tuesday (sometimes Wednesday) and got anywhere from 2 to 4 appointments.

    Using the Unlock The Game methodology, I made about 20 calls and had 7 appointments for a presentation.

    I’ve already been on 2 of the appointments and unfortunately, not knowing any better, I reverted back to my old school sales style and burned both of the appointments. I realize that was a mistake, but since I don’t know everything I needed to know about the Unlock The Game methodology, I just don’t know what I don’t know, if that makes any sense, so I’m not sure how to proceed.

    Today was my third appointment and I booked a small order, but I closed it old school and I really didn’t feel right about it. I called the business owner and told him that I think that I may have pressured him into the sale and I wouldn’t feel right taking his money (even though I really can use it). I told him my goal was to build a relationship and to help him build his business and I apologized. I offered his money back.

    He told me that he was actually thinking about canceling, but changed his mind because of this follow up phone call. Is that cool or what?

    Tomorrow and Friday I go out on the last 4 appointments I made. I’m both excited and dreading the disconnect between how I got the appointments in the first place and then reverting back to my old school presentation.

    I guess I’ve said enough. Thank you so much for giving me a way to communicate. I want to learn more.


    Diamond Bar, California – USA

  14. Stephanie McWilliams

    Ari, I heard about your work first through Lisa Sasevich. Then I saw a recommendation for your work again through the Marketing Maven, Karen Witzig. After that I’ve come across a wealth of info from your website and ezine that have been SO powerful. I think the thing that has been the most powerful is the clarity around being of service and the mindset that’s required when doing a sales call. That alone has shifted EVERYTHING for me. When I do this, my wording and energy are completely different, my clients can hear me without defensive energy, and I get to support them SO much more powerfully! You have a million other great tips, but I think this has been the most powerful. It’s helped my conversion immensely, making my success so much greater — and I get the chance to see just how much, as when I forget this simple step, I immediately feel and see the negative results. So thank you! I’m so eager to learn everything else you have to offer…


    San Diego, CA

  15. Otto

    The reason I have become a member of UTG is because all my life I was thought the old school way of selling and I have always had a negative perspective towards it (maybe because is not effective most of the time and does not feel right) but everything about Ari’s program makes so much sense. I’m willing to re-train myself and change my mind and will leave you with this anonymous quote “Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind”.

    Slidell, LA

  16. Clint Stevens

    UTG first off has made a huge difference especially for this hard driving type A choleric who wants results right now. Its allows me to really take a step back to get to the truth.

    I’ve combined UTG with some Stephen Covey stuff, he says something like this, “With people “fast” is “slow”, and “slow” is “fast”.”

    So its allowed me to drill down to get to the truth about where they are coming from. For example, “Are they really looking?” and “Are they a fit in terms of their level of “openness” in mindset/mentality and does the kind of time for money fit their needs?”

    The hard part for me has been to translate everything from “sales speak” to “sponsorship,” which is unique to network marketing.
    What I have figured out that when folks come to the table with “attitude”, they probably are not looking. This saves me lots of time. When in doubt I go back to trying to figure out if they are really looking, and when in doubt, I have determined not to present the model/plan.

    NY, New York

  17. Michael Obremski

    I can’t say Thank YOU enough. I no longer live by a set of “ticks on sheet”. I don’t just track my performance, I can now measure my success. My job is now all about creating relationships and having “meaningful conversations”! In the short time that I have worked with you I make half as many calls and have more than doubled my sales. I have even been promoted to Director of Sales at my company! Not bad for someone who came from the restaurant industry and had no idea what sales was really about. I feel like I owe it to you for helping me BREAKTHROUGH the barrier of the “sales game” and can actually have fun at my job again! I hope to see you in Los Angeles!

    Bend, Oregon

  18. Derek Wisniewski

    The reason I choose my current job is because my CEO was completely open to a fresh new perspective. The first day of cold calling he handed me his salesy script. Knowing it was not right, I put it away and used my opening question and problem statement. The rest is history. Within 6 weeks of selling, the sales I have made have more than paid for Unlock the Game. My colleagues continued to be amazed at the success I have. One recent example, was a prospect that I did a demo for disappeared. After 2 weeks, I wrote a warm e-mail saying to them in the mindset that it was game over and I just wanted their feedback. She called me an hour after the e-mail was sent, apologized for not getting back to me sooner and bought our service with more to come later on from her. ULG has worked outside of sales as well, it has allowed me to find a wonderful women on-line by using the mindset and we continue to be connected after a month and a half of dating that everything just feels right. Thank you Ari! I am so glad I found you.

    Toronto, Ontario-Canada

  19. Praveen Bellur

    I just spoke to Linda the AA to Nancy Jenkins, VP Sales and Product Development, I took the approach of the mindset training to treat AA’s like the decision makers and asked if she could help me for a moment and it really helped, she started by saying that she will pass my information to Nancy only if I give her the detail about what we do and she said this in a firm tone, I told her right away that it was fair to ask that as you must be getting so many calls from people trying to reach out to Nancy and every one wants a chance to talk to her, she immediately connected to that statement and said that she was happy that I understand that, I then told her that I am looking to talk to Nancy regarding a solution that we have for sales compensation process, she said then it was good and she will surely try to help me connect with her, I then asked her if she could help me understand how many people get commissions in the company to which she took time to pull the data from the systems for me and gave the figure of 250 people for whom commissions is rolled out and also said that as of now they are using a home grown system which was automated but she was not very sure if that was fully automated, she also took my contact details and said that she has access to Nancy’s calendar and she will talk to Nancy and try to fix up a call for me on her calendar to introduce our company to her and to share our expertise with her, this approach to treat AA’s like actual decision makers helped me gather good information due to the Mindset Training today.

    This is a great technique and this works for sure all the time!

    Warm Regards,

    Praveen Bellur

    Pune, Maharashtra India

  20. Paula

    Hello Ari,
    I just recently found your website and love your Heart based approach to selling. I totally agree that being authentic and transparent is the only way of transacting business now and in the future. I look forward to seeing your e-mails every day and hope to meet you in person!
    All the best,

    Philadelphia, PA

  21. Michael Bowles

    After being introduced to UTG from my younger brother in Pasadena, California (Jon Bowles) I was skeptical.
    I have been in sales for over 24 years and have heard of and attended most if not all of the top sales guru’s seminars, but I had never heard of Ari Galper.
    I must say at first I was a little taken back when you mentioned the idea of changing my mind-set. I have invested and worked very hard to get this mind-set, so the idea of changing it was not very appealing.
    Once I began to listen to and process the UTG technique it all became very clear to me. I have been using the wrong approach for all these years. All of the mistakes and successes that I have made over the years became so obvious while I was listening to the CD’s. The prevailing pattern became apparent immediately. I had my highest level of success when I connected with people in a trusted relationship. I made the most mistakes when I was overly aggresive, and not interested in what was important to the client. Thank you for teaching me that through geniune emotional connections most peopple respond in a positive helpful manner. Thank you for sharing not only your business experiences with us, but your personal ones as well.

    Houston, Texas

  22. Peter Tandy

    I have been in sales my entire career. That’s more than 27 years for anyone who is counting. You would think after all these years, I wouldn’t need any help. Unlock the game has changed my life profoundly over the last three years that I have been using it. Specifically, the change from hunter to gatherer of information has changed the way I look at my day. Today I work for a Fortune 5 company involved in advertising. My latest sale was directly attributable to the fact that I “apologized” for the breakdown in communication with my client. He wrote back and said it wasn’t my fault…he just needed some space and recently signed a contract for 5 times the amount of our average client $30,000 annually. I so appreciate you Ari. I look forward to meeting you in November.


  23. Roxann Bauerle

    Truth – the most important practice in your life.
    Service – the key to opening your heart and creating lasting success.

    Ari’s work is one of a kind and will change the way you sell and live your life – without a doubt!

    I swore I would never get back into sales. After 18 years in broadcast sales and management, I was burned out and lacked any desire to sell again. I strived so hard in my sales career to please and adhere to the “rules” passed down to me for successful selling. I felt like I was building a prison around my soul. My “soul voice” kept telling me things could be different. That voice was faded behind direct orders from management and sales quotas that reminded me to just keep working harder and longer.

    There were many old sales beliefs that occupied my mind and and controlled my behavior:
    1. The harder you work, the better the results.
    2. If you achieve your quota, you will feel good about yourself.
    3. Someone higher up always knew more than I did about what I was supposed to do make that sale (even when they didn’t know the client).
    4. If someone said the sale the possible(no matter how much my heart said no) than they must be right.
    5. Make more calls and work longer
    . 6. You should be able to make the sale with the resources you have, Don’t ask for more.
    7. Why would we want to try selling a different way, we don’t have time for that.
    8. You don’t make your quota, your fired!

    Operating in this sales environment is like working in a minefield. It brought up insecurities in me and made me feel like a rocket ready to explode. How could I stand up for what I believe when all the sales training and gurus don’t support it? The pain fueled by silence and habit kept me on the same path for many years. I was determined to find another way.

    I asked myself, doesn’t anyone teach principals that are based on universal truths and principals? Isn’t there anyone courageous enough to turn the belief systems upside down? Hello, Unlock the Game!

    As a former sales manager in charge of training sales people, I can’t tell you how successful you will be if you were able to learn Ari’s principals. I used his principals to teach some of my new sellers and few of them exceeded the sales activity of some of my sellers with over 10 years of experience- within one year! Wow. His principals are sound, aligned with truth and universal principals, and they make you feel proud to be a sale person!

    It was my mission to try and bring Ari’s work to as many sellers as possible. I did not have the chance to take his workshop but it was always my intention to do so. If more of us can apply his teachings and spread his word – the world would be a better place.

    The job of selling is one of service. Improving the lives of those we serve is a wonderful blessing.

    Thanks Ari for bringing the “Soul” back to selling.

    Peace Always in the Hearts of Sellers,
    Roxann Bauerle

    San Jose California

  24. John Kruckman

    Dear Ari,

    The mindset is a very liberating approach to sales. It allows one to be themselves and lose much of the fear and trepitation associated with sales and cold calling in particular. I find it interesting now when being approached or “sold to” under the “old” mindset and comparing the two approaches. Please keep the great work and ideas coming! Would love to join you and everyone in LA.

    Warmest regards,
    John Kruckman

    Chicago, IL USA

  25. Adrian

    thanks for the opportunity to share our experiences in a safe and friendly envrionment. I have been in sales for the last 10 years. I have not been a cold caller, preferring to door knock instead. Challenges with timing have required a change to my business creation model. I had followed your “free” info on the web and eventually realized that your mindset is the right one for me, so i enrolled in your Mastery I and Mastery II program. I have used your languaging with respect to a referral lead. I responded to her request for general information by asking her about her issues and problems and what she wanted the result to look like. We have traded a number of calls and emails. On each I have continually asked her if what we were discussing was making sense and if the information was helpful. On our last communication she went so far as to thank me for my “no pressure” approach. I was floored by this comment – it re-inforced that this way of dealing with clients works.
    Warmest regards,

    Toronto, ON Canada

  26. HS Kondal

    I’ve been using the mindset for a couple of weeks now and the best example is when I called an account I had been trying to work with for a while.

    I could hear the scepticism in my clients voice on the call and then when I started asking about the frustrations that they have and being sincere about my standpoint he went from giving me no business to suddenly talking about lots of different projects we could work on together and even using me as a sole vendor; I never said a word about our business in the whole conversation.

    It was an amazing experience and something I would never have experienced with the old sales ways.

    Thank you very much!


  27. Penny

    Hi Ari,
    Your audio report on hardtofindseminars.com helped me to establish rapport with my prospects the first time I call on them and give me more opportunities to follow up with them .By learning just this opening statement, I could potentially reach 30% more prospects and net me an increase of $3000 in sales within a week.


  28. Ali Jamil

    Dear Ari Galper,

    I`m not an American and our culture not like yours but you teach me how to change my mind set so i want to thank you.

    Regards Ali Jamil

    Amman – Jordan

  29. Julio de Unamuno

    After making the jump from inside sales to outside account manager, I got it in my head that I needed to change the way I sold and adopt one of the selling models the “grown-ups” were all using. I spent the next year and a half dabbling in everything, from Neil Rackham’s SPIN Selling, Miller Heiman’s Strategic Selling, to Keith Eade’s The New Solution Selling.

    In pursuit of emulating the “perfect” sales model, I lost my authenticity as well as suffered from a debilitating case of paralysis by analysis; and customers noticed. Over the next two years my sales crashed through the floor and I garnered more income hawking my Airline miles from traveling to meet prospects than I earned in commissions. Sad…I know, but it fed the kids.

    Thank God Ari’s teachings came upon me just in time and opened up my mind to the fact that “Following a linear selling process limits your natural creativity”.

    With this new insight, I have shaped my focus and direction towards honing my “inner game”. It’s still a work in progress, but suffice it to say my career has come a long way from flipping airline tickets –at the age of 25 my wife and I just closed escrow on September 29th and are realizing our dream of watching our three little ones grow up playing in our own backyard. We were high school sweethearts and thought this would be a nearly impossible dream given the hardships of being parents at 19.

    Thank you, Ari, you have been a blessing to our family and I hope to be able to extend my gratitude in-person one day.

    San Diego, California

  30. Jeff Simon

    It wouldn’t really be fair to “limit” my comments to the effect UTG has had on my sales. Being aware of pressure has helped me in all my relationships, as a husband, father, and in all my business interactions.

    Being sensitized to pressure, and how it inhibits truth in interaction has done wonders for finding the truth behind my own motivations in selling and winning business.

    Over time, I was able to recognize how all of my business interactions were motivated by the need for respect. Of course, if a prospect and I weren’t a fit, I used to perceive disrespect and the “loss” of the account would hit me pretty hard.

    Ultimately, I came to realize that respect wasn’t something to be taken or won from someone else, it was something I need to give myself.

    Being aware of pressure in my interactions kept me asking questions about my own motivations. And overtime I was able to overcome my own feelings of a lack of respect.

    It really has changed everything.

    Many thanks,

    Sacramento, CA

  31. Amanda VanderVeen

    Thank you so much for developing this program and sharing it with us. I’ve only gotten a small glimpse of your program so far, but already I feel like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders! I have never been a fan of traditional sales techniques and worried that I was sabotaging my new business by not adopting them. Your approach is so much more genuine and natural. It is a relief to have somewhere to turn for techniques to improve my skills without feeling the need to compromise my principles. Your verbiage is just the tool I needed to help break down that salesperson/customer barrier! As a “salesperson” and as someone who has been subjected to entirely too many pitches herself, thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Prince George, BC, Canada

  32. Otilia

    Thanks Ari! It is the first time in my network business life that I really get it grace to you and your clear teaching: “If I stop being defensive, maybe the other person will stop putting up their own defenses.”


  33. Sheila Woltz

    Because of your material, my confidence has gone up. New doors of opportunities are opening up. Actually I have the honor of speaking at an entreprenaur workshop later this month teaching about marketing and managment. For sure I will use your materials on “cold calling” to market yourself. I am one of only 2 ladies who have been ask to participate. Just building friendships, trust and loyalty feels so right and is in alignment with my core values as a person. I find “that’s not a problem” to now be one of my favorite sayings. I would absolutely love to be considered for the scholarship and have the opportunity to hear you make cold calls with positive results and to learn from your wisdom and knowledge. Thank you for the offer.
    Best Regards,
    Sheila Woltz, Owner of HomeMaids and Primerica District Leader

    Des Moines, IA

  34. Brian Matsumoto

    I cannot help but admire the comments from Ben Vaughn. One can only imagine the challenges and struggles he faced, the “uncertainty, doubt and fear” he lived with until he found relief with the Unlock the Game program. Ben clearly articulated that his appropriate concerns need to be more on solving problems and “giving” to the customer rather than about “taking” for himself. What that meant to me was not getting so “attached” to needing to make a sale or “blaming” anyone for not making one, at the expense of being ill-prepared, victimized and not at my best for the next opportunity someone was providing me. You certainly have my vote. Since surfing the Internet on September 12th 2010, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this type of sales training existed. It only confirms my thoughts about how we need to change the way we do business (or make room for Ari), adapt and find our way in a changing world of globalization. I appreciate how Ari Galper articulates how business has been traditionally handled, but enjoy the perspectives he shares about how business could be done. It certainly turns the paradigm upside down which professes that prospects don’t know what they want (core belief assumes that salespeople are smarter than the customer), are blank slates and that salespeople have all the answers, are in control and will do “whatever it takes” to ultimately prevail. Clearly, Ari Galper possesses some “magic” about sales that seems natural, sustainable and worth examining. I need to continuously improve, differentiate myself from the competition and apply my “thinking cap” to the challenge each new sales opportunity presents. I am convinced that Ari Galper provides a compelling argument and I look forward to learning more.

    Denver, Colorado, USA, October 5, 2010, 11:30 am MST

  35. Mark Patterson

    What could be more natural than a conversation? Good conversations like good red wine are for savouring and remembering.
    Ari’s Unlock the Game program has given me more opportunities to have conversations with people that I would have thought possible.
    I do a lot o cold calling and colleagues at the company I had recently joined commented “You need to speak to new people not your friends” as I had finished a call.
    “That was a new person. I have never met XYZ in my life”
    “But it sounded like you were old friends!”

    That is what Unlock the Game gives you. It provides you with the confidence, if not the elegance to go to work and have a conversation either telephonically or in a meeting environment.
    But maybe more than that if the person you are talking to is not interested or has no need at that point in time, I have found they will remember you and often approach you when they have the next problem they cannot solve – even if they know you don’t have the product for them, they feel you will know someone who does.
    This is not giving you selling tools it is giving you confidence tools – for life.

    Johannesburg Sunny South Africa

  36. Mike Dalton

    as a consultant, selling my services always felt so inconsistent with everything else I do – like something I had to suit up for, put on the armor and just go do. Whereas consulting is all about understanding clients problems, getting to the root cause and helping them take action. Unlock the Game was really the missing link for me.

    Now I see how wrong all the other sales guru’s are. And here’s proof – just weeks after beginning to integrate the mindset into my selling approach, I closed a sizable account in a third of the time it would have taken me before – from months to just a few weeks.

    The best part of all was that by staying focused on their core problem, I never had to apply any pressure. Not to get the appointment, not to get an in depth meeting with the leadership team, not even to develop the proposal.

    Talk about the fast track – Every step of the way, I asked them “Where would you like to go from here?” and they shared the next step in their buying process in a completely frictionless manner.

    Thanks Ari – Now I can’t wait for the next selling opportunity!

    Racine, Wisconsin, USA

  37. Carlos García

    UTG, not for every body, “Hope my competitor never finds you” (just kidding)

    Honestly, I can’t remember how Ari came across, he completely changed my sales perspective, I turned from a stalker and brochure reciter, to a helping and trusted consultant, cold calls became from uncomfortable to enjoyable challenges, as well gatekeepers, and objection, I became an excellent contractor, and trust builder.
    My fellow colleagues envied my facility to get info and appointments with key players.
    My prospects became customers, then fiends.

    UNFORTUNATELY, in my case, cultural idiosyncrasy, and Status Quo from whit in the own company always were my mayor objections, and unbelievable, but true, most prospects can really believe there are sincere empathy, almost like too good to be true.

    I used to work for a non profitable organization that provides technical and financial support for small industries, loans up to 2 million pesos, were government puts up to 90% of the capital in a lost found (means free) and the company only pays back 10% of it, our broker service, and technical support has a symbolic price, but, it is 100% task deductible, so every thing is FREE, (daddy government pays in order to create jobs).

    Latin cultures aren’t ready for sincerity, they disbelief, and distrust, honest and genuine people, that’s why I’m planning to start a business of my own, hopefully then I could have enough to buy the UTG Cd´s. Thanks

    Monterrey, NL, México

  38. Wendy

    I was getting really down on myself! Having a tough time selling especially over the phone. I felt like I was literally spinning my wheels and going no where fast. It was quite depressing. I think customers sensed that over the phone even!
    I have to be honest I was quite skeptical about your program and no Ari, I honestly did not welcome it with open arms. But I went to your Online seminar and I did exactly what your seminar said!!!! I have literally transformed the way that I sell by using your methods and diffusing the the pressure, getting to the truth, understanding my objections and how we can overcome them and using your apology to the customer I have become a new salesperson in only a few short weeks and I feel that I am a great example of how your program works.
    thank you for all your wonderful emails and sharing all your stories. You are a true inspiration but not in just my work life, in my home life too!
    I have emailed a few times requesting you to visit NYC. Well I truly hope that I win so that I can meet you in person since you have truly inspired me and have changed my life for the better and in turn I have passed your info on to many people to help them as well.
    I look forward to more emails from you (especially the one that says I won!!! lol) Please keep up your great work!

    New Jersey

  39. Diana Gonzalez Blanco

    “Defuse the objection and reengage the conversation”, instead of overcoming the objections or leaving the conversation.

    I am a parenting coach, and price is always an issue when dealing with ‘soft-topics’ like this. Thanks to what I learned from your newsletters, I know have a different, more honest approach in my conversations with prospects.

    When someone says my fee is too high for example, I now acknowledge what they’re saying and respond ‘You’re absolutely right, it can be perceived as high for people who don’t have experience with what I have to offer’.

    What a difference has this made! I know engage in the truth, instead of getting into defending my fee.

    Thanks! Diana-
    Diana Gonzalez Blanco
    Founder. Smooth Parenting

    Smooth Parenting, New York, NY – USA

  40. Karen Miller

    The Unlock the Game course gave me and my team a new direction in establishing relationships with people, who then became clients. I have a niche business where I sell a service to small business owners. Taking the approach that I am here to serve them has served me well.

    I am an instructional designer by profession, not a sales person. Having this powerful tool to guide me through this process has been invaluable. Thank you Ari!

    The Woodlands, Texas

  41. Dan DiSalle

    I have always wanted to “help people” as opposed to selling to them- Is there another way?- I am unaware of it. Your methods have always been natural to me, not to say they weren’t a revelation. You are able to put people at ease and quickly build a level of trust. This is the only way to assist people in getting to their goals- for their reasons- not mine! I have always felt a connection to you with your Down’s Syndrome child. We lost ours @ 21 days, but have had 2 more kids since that fateful day- perfectly healthy. Needless to say the last decade has had its share of challenges, however, we are perservering and looking forward to a brighter future. Thanks for all your help- it’s people like you who make the world a better place.
    Dan DiSalle

    Temperance, MI

  42. Greta Read

    Dear Ari, I was the biggest cynic about unlock the game and even “tried it” once before, with not spectacular results. However something told me to give it another go and i am so glad i did. My fear of cold calling has gone, i still cant pinpoint when the fear left, but it just did. I am having more coversations with people and reaching people who i originally thought were out of my league!!! Although I am yet to make my first sale, my pipeline is full of “real” opportunities. I am “open” to all new opportunities that come my way and not afraid to say no to someone who i genuinly can’t help. I decided to go for this 100% and i dont regret it and it has helped me through my personal life as well as my professional life.
    I think , no, I know, what you have offered me personally and professionally is worth more than any tickets or prizes, thank you for being the answer to some long overdue questions.

    London, England

  43. Jon L. Bowles

    Hello Ari-
    My cold calling has never been the same. I have been fearless with the tools you have provided and making calls to prospective clients is extremely comfortable and honest. I love what I do as a Financial Advisor and you have helped me take my business to a completely different level. Asking people for help is a human request that is inevitably answered with a resounding ‘yes’, and as you have coached me, this eliminates the pressure. I continue to hone my craft and will continue to adhere to your coaching. I would really enjoy the opportunity to attend your special event in Los Angeles and because I live here I will only need the cost of admission.
    Thanks for everything Ari and tell Toby I loved his book.

    Pasadena, CA USA

  44. Stuart Chadban

    Truth = Trust.
    Authentic, Non-Pressured Communication = Unlock the Game.


    Sydney & Newcastle

  45. Gagan Gupta

    Hi Ari, Hope this finds you well. Yes listening to your CD from Stuart Zadel’s seminars (Sell & Grow Rich) in which out of the three sales superstars – you are one of the speakers. I had never heard about you or your program before this. I must have listened to that CD nearly a 100 times driving following Brian Tracy’s saying of University on Wheels. Anyway, on 4th Aug’10 I went to see a provider who was on a trial product with us with no intention to sell but just to understand his business and see if I could help him understand the system in a better way. And after about half an hour of chat, I asked so where would you like to go from here? And I got the biggest surprise of my life and he asked, How can I join the premium package. It was just utter satisfaction and joy I can’t explain right now. And I had just listened to your interview with Stuart Zadel before I had parked the car to meet this fellow. I simply followed what I had learned from your interview which in point form is:
    – go deep in the call
    – really understand the prospects business and listen to him
    – have no pressure or urgency of sale
    – see if he’s open to discuss few things
    – and finally ask the open ended question ‘so, where would you like to go from here?’ and BANG!

    And I was just so relaxed through out the discussion and that is why I got a big surprise when he said ‘Sign me up’.

    So just wanted to say thanks.

    Once again i got excited getting your email this morning about Scholarship prompting me to write this testimonial/experience. However when I looked up the tickets from MEL to LAX, I don’t think I can afford that so you may give the scholarship to someone else. However I still feel happy to write this blog and ‘THANK YOU’ Ari!

    Melbourne, Australia

  46. Brenda Tsiaousis

    Hi Ari

    Amazing! – This is not something that I would normally do yet felt prompted to make a comment irrespective of the outcome as sharing my appreciation for your email on an open forum like this is great and very powerful to see and read comments from others who have indeed benefitted from your program.

    Having recently immigrated from South Africa to Australia, I started my Transformational Coaching business and while coaching a wonderful business client the issue of cold calling came up, something which caused her instant stress, and a lot of anxiousness. I had been listening to some of your video recordings and came across ” Begin your cold call with your prospects core problem” (http://www.UnlockTheGame.com/Begin-Your-Cold-Call)

    Enlightenment struck and I immediately forwarded all this information to her -we had a full session around the content of the video which we promptly put into practise and signed up 5 new clients within the week – ( Gvernments schools – which as we all know there are so many people (gatekeepers) to get past ) we used your clip to create a list of all potential problems they could be facing and put this into practise.

    Thanks, Ari, for sharing these insightful and very useful bits of information so freely.

    To your continued success.
    From sunny Tasmania today.
    Brenda Tsiaousis

    Tasmania, Australia

  47. Stuart Chadban

    Your insights have helped achieve the following in my practice.

    Truth = Trust. Trust = Loyalty. Loyalty = Strength.

    Unlock the Game.


    Sydney & Newcastle

  48. Tom Mitchell

    Ari – there are 2 statements of yours that are some of the simplest comments that I’ve ever heard yet the most profound. They work nearly every time and can diffuse or get to the deeper truth like clockwork.

    They not only work in opening situations, understanding objections, or rejection situations of sales – but they work in family, marital, and parenting relationships.

    Ari, you teach not just so that someone can learn to “make more sales” but so that people can be REAL! And the simple fact of the matter is that most people have lost that in today’s United States culture.

    Thank you for that inspiration. Its been surprising to find just how many people are open to, and how many things aren’t problems!

    London, Ohio

  49. Carlos Rosario

    I listened to your diffusal techniques and whenever a customer says anything that might even sound like an objection I always say “that’s not a problem.”

    I have also learned that the easiest way to get in front of the customer is allow them the “out.”

    They should never feel like you are trying to corner them so after ingraining this mantra into my approach I always call customers with a friendly and sincere openness that speaks to their “human – ness.”

    If a client does not want to talk to me now and they send me away I realize that they don’t have the whole story and are just responding in a conditioned manner. They may also simply be having a bad day or it was truly bad timing.

    Usually I will try and revisit the call a few weeks later and that has gotten me tremendous momentum and business as this alone has separated me from so many of my competitors.

    My clients have expressed appreciation for my lack of pushiness, and feel that I truly want to help them.

    Your methods have allowed me to bring down a lot of barriers and I no longer feel apprehension on a cold call.

    Santa Clara, CA

  50. L. Comp

    Well, I guess this is the opportunity I have to thank you for sending your emails each week, I look forward to them because they make so much sense. I’m in the Lending business/Real Estate. Big money at times, big headaches in these recent years. I needed to earn money and trust more than ever. One of your emails made so much sense that I stopped the madness and went back to interviewing my clients-choosing whom I wanted to work with. No more running around “selling” each deal then watching them undo themselves as buyer remorse or worse yet financing fell thru. I interview, I pre-approve, I choose the worthy. I have more free time, feel more in control and I don’t worry about being busy, I worry about having time to market more effectively which helps me to interview…a happy spiral up not down. So, thanks for helping me to realize what I was doing wrong.

    Des Plaines, Il

  51. Eli Cohen

    Dear Ari,

    I can’t say enough out of how much your program and coaching helped me. It helped me get out of myself and focus on helping other people.
    It also helped me improve my relationships with my family and friends.
    I often use the question “Are you open… ” as you teach us and it is much less pressure on the other person.
    However, I still have a long way to go and that’s why I really want to come to your 3 day seminar in LA!

    Brooklyn, NY, USA

  52. Brian Beckner

    “How Can I Improve For Next Time?”

    Several years ago you had featured a sample email written by one of your members that talked about how he reaches out to prospects that goes incognito or lost. This one line has literally transformed how I run my business. Let me share how:
    I never ever feel like I have to chase down or “follow up” with a prospective client that I’ve previously consulted with. If I get the old…”It sounds good and I’m definitly interested I just need to run it by my business manager or spouse and I’ll call you back to see about setting something up”….and I never hear back from them…I now have total confidence to pick up the phone with ABSOLUTELY NO INTENTION of trying to resell, convince or force my agenda on my prospect. Instead I reach out and build trust through an “APOLOGY” for something that may have been said that caused them not to feel comfortable in working with me and instead ask them for help on how I can improve for next time. My ability to reopen up a conversation with a prospect is incredible. It’s so rewarding to know exactly how to reconnect with lost prospects and have the opportunity to build further trust and generate new business from one simple phone call.

    I no longer have to beat myself up wondering “what happened” or “what went wrong”. I’m not left loosing sleep at night hoping that a prospective client is going to commit. I now know exactly where I stand with a previously lost prospect and don’t waste a single ounce of energy “chasing” or “following up”!

    Dr. Brian Beckner – Founder
    Decompression Practice Solutions

    California USA

  53. Daniel Cox

    I just started a new business and realize that if I wanted a shot at growing, “cold calling” was going to be a big part of it.


    I started looking online for scripts and tips on making this easier for myself. After 3 weeks of frustration and utter failure, I ran across an article by Ari. That’s when the light went on!

    You see, I was doing things to make it easier on MYSELF! Which meant I wasn’t in a place to hear the needs of my potential partners. Not clients. Not customers. Partners.

    Ari helped remind me why I started my business in the first place – to help people.

    Thanks for your generous spirit Ari.

    Costa Mesa, Ca

  54. Bret Mundt


    I’ve always liked helping people and hated selling. It made me feel “icky” because both me and the prospect knew that I had an agenda in being helpful.

    Your approach to selling has helped me realize that I can help someone, feel good about it and in the end get the order from the person with them being thankful for my help, not feeling manipulated or persuaded into giving me the order.

    I was just introduced to your way of doing things about a week ago. I wish it had been earlier because it would have saved my countless hours of stress and in the end would have saved my construction business.

    With what I’ve learned from your emails and the audio on your sales page I’m in the process of totally revamping how I approach sales forever.

    I always knew there was a better way and you’ve got it.

    Its changed my feelings about sales and opens up tons of new opportunities that I would never have considered before.

    Thanks for your commitment and willingness to share your sales methods.

    Arlington, TN USA

  55. Roberto

    Even I am Not A Professional Sale Person I’ve Got A Lot Of insight From Your News Letters And Videos. I Am A Self-employed And After Applying Some Hints From Your Method I Have Seen A Lot Of Improvement In My Income

    Danbury, CT USA

  56. Patsy

    I hope I am wrong, however, this is most likely not a winning comment. It’s a little… well maybe a lot corny but it is so true. Over the years as I’ve read your materials and listen to you speak. I have learned many things. The one that I treasure most is the following: Approach people with a “how you can help them” attitude. Remember, it is about them, it’s not about you. Fill every part of your being with thoughts of: “how can I help this person”. Then go about doing it to the best of your ability within your area of expertise. When you do that, you will succeed in what ever your endeavor is. You will feel good about yourself and others will admire and respect you.

    Phoenix, Arizona

  57. Luis Morgan

    I remember on an audio hearing you say “I didn’t want to sell my product, I wanted them to buy it.” That really struck me so while I was on a call with someone I had never met I decided to try that. As I spoke to my prospect I continued to say “I only want to be available as a reference for you as you have questions or have a need that I can address.” Every time I said that the person asked another question to which I answered the best I could….to end with “but I am only interested in helping if I can.” We really had a pleasant conversation which began with the person nervous and ended with the person seeming to chase me. It did not result in a sale but I was liberated to the mindset. Wonderful!!

    Memphis TN

  58. Prab Randhawa

    I own a very small business and the biggest thing I’ve learned from you is to take time to actually train my 2 staff people to sell. I’ve started an office “library” of things that I buy CD’s and loan them out to the office to help them get better at selling. It helps me do it too because we’re constantly pushing each other to do a better job and of course it makes the whole office a better place because we’re all working at being better at our profession.

    Riverside, California

  59. Danny L'Heureux

    I’ve ordered your program about 3 years ago, and your teachings have improved my sales skills tremendously. Your, “Would you be open to the idea…” has not only helped me in business, but in family/personal relationships as well.
    I definitely recommend investing in Part I: Introduction to the New Cold Calling Mindset to start, then once you’ve digested part one, buy part 2 with the extra money you’ve earned!


    St Albert, Alberta, Canada

  60. Claire S

    Dear Ari, I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU!

    You’ve truly Unlocked The Game, not just in business alone but in life as a whole.

    It’s a positive and contagious attitude for me to pick up.

    Being natural or being true to ourselves to be the best person for ourselves first so that we can do our best for others and communicate with others well are the two lessons I learn from your blog and tips and newsletters alone.

    To me, your vision and ingenuity, wisdom and willingness to share and teach others about being authentic in both business and life is truly inspiring.

    I count you as my blessing and my mentor, even though I’ve not joined your program yet. Soon I hope. ^_^

    I’d tried some of your tips when I do cold calling and your lessons help me overcome the whole mindset towards cold calling.

    I’m seeing better results compared to 2 months ago and thank you for showing the way.

    I’m grateful to you and appreciate your teachings.

    Please continue to inspire and guide us to be successful like yourself.

    To our success!

    God bless you and your family!




  61. Chris Cantu

    By offering clients a choice of options, they come to feel or see your interest in understanding their goals. This process is like the practice of AKIDO, a form of Japanese martial arts, using the direction and force of an “opponents” attack, pulling them into a discussion, a circular action focused on their reactions, using such non-confrontational “How is that?” type of question of their objections. Masters of this art defend themselves, leaving no serious injury in their wake.

    I welcome the opportunity to learn more about the customer centric logic of Unlock The Game.

    Marietta, Georgia

  62. Terry Steffen

    Hello Ari- While I still struggle with cold calls and haven’t been able to change all of my language I do know I’m growing and becoming less “salesy” every day thanks to your material. Thanks for all your help!

    Pandora, OH 45877

  63. Barbara

    Ari, I have recently discovered you and Unlock The Game. I must say that after 20+ years in the direct sales industry, I was feeling a little stale and quite honestly bored. Your videos have giving me RENEWED ENERGY! I love your style and language…more importanly it WORKS! Thank you for your amazing insights and if I win I look forward to meeting you in Los Angeles!

    New York

  64. Kim Eisen

    Dropped the Ball Email
    I loved your approaches yet I was leary (scared) at first to send a ‘drop the ball’ and disconnected email. Oh my gosh, I received a call back immediately (hadn’t been able to get a hold of him for six months) that very same day. The client was apologetic and made sure I know it wasn’t me, it was him and he was so impressed by my email that he wanted to work with me.
    I was in shock as I held the phone – it couldn’t be this easy could it? I always used to think that they must have used someone else or they didn’t like me before. I would be thrilled to win you scholarship to learn more.

    St Paul, MN

  65. Dropped the Ball Email

    I loved your approaches yet I was leary (scared) at first to send a ‘drop the ball’ and disconnected email. Oh my gosh, I received a call back immediately (hadn’t been able to get a hold of him for six months) that very same day. The client was apologetic and made sure I know it wasn’t me, it was him and he was so impressed by my email that he wanted to work with me.
    I was in shock as I held the phone – it couldn’t be this easy could it? I always used to think that they must have used someone else or they didn’t like me before. I would be thrilled to win you scholarship to learn more.

    St Paul, MN

  66. Jack Zhang

    Before I met Ari’s program, I always felt that I was trying too hard and like what Ari described – “Living on hopeium” and always on the constant struggle to put on a front in front of my prospects. Then I realised even after closing the sale, I wasn’t too happy because I did felt some of my clients wasn’t so sure about getting my service / products but eventually succumb to my peer pressure. It did not felt good. at all.

    After I met and trained under Ari’s programme, frankly I did not close as many sales but however, I felt so much better being myself. Prospects that became my clients also enjoyed the experience and I was able to foster better relationships with them. Everything is so much easier in terms of getting more business and referrals. No doubt I’m getting lesser for my sales but determine to stay in my business for the long haul, I feel that Ari’s programme build me to last and more importantly, enjoying my work more.

    Yes, I think all of us should learn to let go and enjoy the pressure-free environment. Lives will be so much easier and trusting. Let’s for once and forever get rid of the “sales” mindset and start being ourselves again.

    The new mindset is liberating!


  67. Michael

    I was working a home based biz a couple of years ago and HATED cold calling. I tried the “scripts” I was given and nothing really clicked for me… until I was introduced to Ari’s UTG process. Wow… what a difference. I had to step away from the biz to address some family matters before I could really implement what I was learning. But now I’m back, and the FIRST thing I’m going to do is go back over UTG. Why? Because bottom line, it’s all about integrity, authenticity, and sincerity. UTG enables me to maintain my integrity, while valuing the dignity of each person I connect with. Thanks Ari!

    Seattle Washington

  68. Natural and easy

    The things I had been taught to do on cold calls never felt natural for me. And that was known on the other side of the calls. Now I have been able to put myself at ease and talk to others in such a way that makes everyone comfortable.

    I also have found the techniques useful in personal and business settings. Now that is a breakthrough!

    Downingtown, PA

  69. John Edwards

    Hi Ari,

    I have been working with my wife now for the past eight months and loving every minute of it except selling. You know I would sit for days doing nothing just trying to convince myself to pick up the phone and cold call. I didn’t do it and I would go home feeling like crap.

    So I started paying telemarketers which goes okay for a while but at six hundred dollars minimum for twenty hours it is not cheap for a company that is trying to get it’s cash flow going. But you would expect a great result – wrong, four appointments if I am lucky.

    Well, I attended your evening event and it was not until a couple of weeks ago Carolin in Australia signed me up for your program, using the same mindset philosophy.

    I wanted to tell you and thank your entire crew because I am now eager to make calls!. It is going great and I no longer need telemarketers, a savings of hundreds of dollars. i have paid for the course many, many times over.

    Thanks heaps.


    Victoria, Australia

  70. Judy Burke

    Hi Ari,
    First got your mindset materials about 2 years ago and have found them amazingly useful. Such simple languaging, but such incredible results. And in these challenging economic times, where many in my area are “pushing” even harder, just being able to listen and connect has made me different, in a good way. The freedom I’ve gained from rethinking the problem in the clients’ terms (not assuming anything) and approaching things according to the their needs (whatever they might be…just have to find out) allows me to reformulate opening statements quickly, and micro-market specific. Ask, ask, ask…don’t assume is a constant lesson. Am looking forward to your seminar and picking up new hints. Thanks, Ari.

    Los Angeles, CA, USA

  71. Kimberly Kesterke

    One of the best things that helped me from reading your blog was the concept of adding ten times more value than what the customer expects to receive in a pressure free setting. This has helped me change my viewpoint immensely. For example, after reading your blog, I decided to e-mail the president of a company that I was actively pursuing. In that e-mail, I offered a different approach- instead of focusing on who I was, and what my company was all about, instead, I focused on a situation that was affecting their business, and what my units could do to make life easier and more economical for them in the long run. I got an e-mail back and submitted a quote to him for 300 units. This has just recently happened, however I am flying out to meet with their purchasing manager in two weeks where I can hopefully close the deal. THANK YOU! And would love to see you live an in person- I know I could learn a ton!!

    Altanta, GA

  72. Dan Fitzgerald

    I have just started a new job and want to incorporate Unlock the Game into our business, but my boss is a big fan of Chet Holmes. I would like to win the scholarship so I can experience Unlock the Game firsthand and ultimately change our business sales model. There are alot of differences between the two, but I know Unlock the Game is the strategy we need to start using and by attending the conference and winning the scholarship, I will then be able to prove it.


  73. Ish Laos

    Although i have only recently discovered you, i have already implemented the very few things i learned from you into practice. In particular, your cold calling approach really knocks off all the pressure that I’ve been putting on myself this whole time.
    Eliminating the sales jargon vocabulary, and substituting them in for common everyday words really takes the harsh bite out of my job.
    Although i have only scratched the surface in learning your approach, i am very eager to continue utilizing your techniques and grow as a sales professional. Thank you

    Atlanta, Ga

  74. Mary Appell

    I was watching a video where you shared a closing statement that impacted me greatly. It was simple and to the point (as you always are). After finding out the needs of your client you simply suggested we ask “Where do you think we should go from here?” PRICELESS!!!

    Thanks Ari

    Boca Raton, Florida

  75. Pete Dieppe

    Dear Ari:
    I have got to win this contest.
    I own a business that has gone from 20+ employees to 5 and I am one of those.
    I ordered the “Unlock The Game” Program years ago, tried a few ideas and politely put it on my office shelf and until I realized from going back into sales just how TOUGH the old way really is.
    I picked back up my “Unlock The Game” book and have more sales in the last 3 weeks than I had before in the last 6 months.
    I have provided more solutions to some of my old clients and I am developing new clients as well.
    I know I need a shot of “Ari” to save my business and re-coup my Bell retirement that my company has in it.
    In my heart I know that the “Unlock The Game” Mindset is the only hope for the kind of sales that are needed to keep my employees and myself employed.
    Please help if you can.

    Charleston, South Carolina

  76. Walter Anderson

    I dont think I have all words capable of explaining – How unlock the game has effected me in the past 2-3 months. Just from researching your articles it has changed my mindset to say “Yes I can do it” TO ” Yes I WILL do it”. And once I discovered the MP3 this cleared the clutter from my mind – I have been a prospecting maniac .My list was originally 200 names to close to 1200 plus now and growing. Getting people to trust you with there money is hard enough but you have LIGHTENED the load. Many Thanks ; Walter


  77. Terry S. Smith

    Dear Ari:

    The best thing I learned from you is the LANGUAGE you use is EXTREMELY powerful.

    Would you be open to telling me a little bit about your situation is brilliant!


    Scottsdale Arizona

  78. Just send me the info, Jeff Malek

    Until I listened to you on re-engage the sales conversation, out of 10 sales conversations, 3 would ask for (and get) an email outlining our program. Now with your insight, those 3 no longer get the info upfront, however, 2 out of those 3 get the info because they signed up, thanks to you. According to Netsuite my closing ratio is now north of 60% from 40% thanks Ari.

    Milwaukee/madison, WI

  79. Ben Vaughn

    It’s tough to nail down how your CD’s for Unlock the Game have helped my approach to sales because, quite frankly, I can’t think of any ways that they HAVEN’T helped me!! I started my company with nothing over ten years ago. I used to sit in my first house in an old, wet basement making cold calls all day long using the traditional “Hi, my name is, I’m with…, we create…” approach. It was discouraging and I hated selling because of how I was being treated. My wife used to come down stairs and plead with me to get off the phone. She used to eavesdrop on me “pitching” strangers and she felt really bad for how i was being treated. I couldn’t give up though because I had a family to support. So, I kept “grinding it out” the old way until I found your program. I dont’ remember how I found you, but it changed everything. The mindset does more for your self esteem as a sales professional then anything. I found myself really getting to the bottom of my client’s problems that needed to be solved instead of “me, me, me…” all the time. I learned how to develop relationships and tone down my voice during phone calls. I became a friend to my potential clients, looking for nothing more then to lend my help, instead of trying to make a buck. I built an entire lead followup system around your methodology that applies to our verbal and written communications. We go out of our way to just lend our help and offer “new ideas”, even if it means not closing the sale. It ends up coming back around to you in the long run because people don’t forget you when you merely lend a hand without expectation of getting paid. It’s also very liberating to realize that people sometimes just don’t have the budget! Move on and find the clients who you can help and who can truly afford and appreciate what you offer. Don’t waste your time! I certainly do not any longer! Each year, I grow my sales numbers and do so without feeling like I’m “pitching” clients. I actually love being on the phone and selling the Ari Galper way. Thank you Ari for all you’ve done for me. I could go on and on, but I’ll leave it at that.

    Baltimore, MD USA

  80. Leonard Irwin


    I learned about you from a marketing seminar in January 2009 from Tad Hargraves. I was so surprised by what you teach. In my own sales career, at that time, as a commissioned appliance salesman your ideas changed me.

    From you I’ve learned to connect with people on an emotional level, a real heart to heart sense of getting to know you.

    The ability to walk past the superficial traditional sales training and just build rapport with people. I got that it is more important to connect with people first then to try and sell them something. It’s about making the person feel like your interested in who they are as a person.

    Also, realize we are all people who want to connect with other people and make a real connection.

    Thats what I have learned from you.

    Kingston Ontario Canada

  81. Jerry Neumann

    I continue to be amazed at the power of 4 simple words: “that’s not a problem”… they diffuse tension, re-wire clients’ psyche, and open the path for further dialogue and the discovery process. It’s reinforcing to the self-disclosure of intent…to serve others.
    Thanks Ari!

    Minneapolis, MN

  82. Martha

    “That’s not a problem” has helped me diffuse so many objections, it’s unreal. And, while it’s good to know how to reply to the objection, once the objection is raised it is still somewhere in the back of that individual’s mind. Ari, you taught me how to draw out any negative emotions, gently.

    For example, I’m currently dealing with short-sales in the States and speak with a lot of real estate agents about their listings that are currently in the foreclosure process.

    I explain that I do a back-to-back closing and even though I know that what I’m doing is totally legal….I get a lot of ignorant agents who blatantly accuse me of doing something illegal. The first objection they will say is, “I’ve been an agent for X number of years, and what you’re proposing is against the law”. To which I’ve said, “That’s not a problem. May I have a few moments of your time to explain why our local title company will not only close on such a deal, but also provide us with title insurance” thereby protecting all parties?

    Wham! Low pressure and educating the client are the keys I’ve taken away from your training. Thank you, Ari.

    Cape Coral, FL

  83. Thomas Reusch

    I am in digital advertising sales,(new to me) all calls are cold to businesses already using print media. I incorporate UTG language in getting appointments successfully. Other sales people who overhear my approach are trying to use some of the language in their calls, I have to smile when I hear them. As yet no one has asked me how I learned this effective no pressure approach. And I am sure they will as I continue to the top posistion.
    Thank you Ari.
    Tom Reusch

    United States

  84. Josh McGinnis

    Ordered Ari’s complete program right before I left for a 4 day conference for Veterinarians. As a consultant, I went to meet potential clients and strategic partners. This is a new niche market for me and for the first three days, I got nothing! One person said they wanted help getting clients and as soon as they new I was a consultant, they turned cold and walked away (they didn’t know I saw them throw my business card in the trash).

    On my last night I sat in my room feeling defeated. As my last ditch effort, I busted out some of Ari’s material and read through just a portion of it. With a new mindset and language to match it, I was determined to spend the last four hours of the conference in the method Ari teaches. What did I have to lose?

    First three full days I got nothing. In the last four hours, I had two veterinarians give me their info and ask me to call them. An industry sales person practically begged me to let him introduce me to his clients throughout three states, and a consultant for Pfizer, who ignored me previously, engaged and suggested I work with him on a project.

    I couldn’t believe the difference Ari’s approach makes. It is natural, more authentic, and actually fun. I highly recommend his material to everyone and he has become my go to resource for all things sales related.

    Chattanooga, TN., USA

  85. Cherry Choo

    I stumbled upon your website recently, because I’ve been very frustrated with my result in calling for appointments. Your articles in particular on shifting/changing one’s mindset, and especially using words like “are you open to”, a call is to start a conversation and find a fit, has in fact given me a new sense of confidence, purpose and joy in prospecting. I am seeing results in getting more appointments than in the past. I certainly look forward to learning more from you. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


  86. Michael Livingston

    I’ve been on your list now for about three years and devour every email you send. Even though I haven’t bought your program yet (I intend to soon), what I’ve learned from you has helped me tremendously.

    Last week I approached a CEO of a company using your languaging and got an appointment on my first call with him. And I’m not even a sales person, I’m an engineer who does consulting!

    You’ve given me the confidence to approach new potential clients in a way that fits my personality and values. You’re stuff works wonders! I’d love to come to Sales Breakthrough 2010.

    Baltimore, Maryland

  87. Caitriona Griffin

    Ari, I have just issued an invoice to my Client for 20,000 Euro for a Director Role I successfully headhunted and filled. My Client said that he went with me because there was something in my style that he really liked when I went to tender for the business. I used your approach of not pushing my services but focussing purely on him and the position he needed urgently filled.

    I remember getting off the phone after first speaking with this potential client and thinking, maybe I should have sold my services more, maybe I should have mentioned all my other successes when filling other senior roles – but I held off talking about me and that was the key!

    He has also asked me to become their exclusive partners when filling other senior roles in their company. This will provide a revenue steam that I would not have received if I went with my old sales tactics.
    Thanks Ari, just being authentic and sincere is what makes all the difference. Thanks for all your help to date.

    Dublin, Ireland