Have you got a tricky sales situation that you can’t solve on your own…
You’re chasing a potential client who isn’t calling you back? You’re hearing “I’d like to think about it” or “I’ll get back to you when I’m ready”?
Whatever sales challenge you are experience right now, join Ari Galper, the World’s #1 Authority On Trust-Based Selling and the creator of Unlock The Game® every month as he coaches his guests, unrehearsed and live, on their most difficult and complex sales situations that’s holding them back from making the sale!
The guests on the show have one goal in mind… To Stump Ari! … and Ari has one goal in mind .. to overturn the notion of selling as we know it today by building trust between buyers and sellers.
We have been taught to chase opportunities, play the numbers game, and pursue prospects. But it turns out that if you stop doing those things, which extend your sales cycle, but instead focus on building deep trust with people, you can actually shorten your sales cycle dramatically!
In this episode of Stump The Guru show, I’ll be talking about how you can shortcut your sales cycle. I’ve made it my life’s mission to give you the clarity that you are missing in your sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.
This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries… Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can “shortern your sales cycle” whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations.
To access Ari’s free Trust-Based Selling Masterclass or to order his “Unlock The Sales Game” book, go to www.UnlockTheGame.com
Building a relationship is about building rapport… which is often ineffective for solving problems. In fact, how many times does being friendly and agreeable get in the way of telling someone what they need to hear?
Building trust with your potential client is about what I call “going down the iceberg.”
Going down the iceberg as an advisor means helping your potential client understand the gravity of their situation and the implications of not addressing it.
It’s an iceberg because the implications are often much larger than they realize. If you concentrate on building trust by going down this iceberg with your potential clients, instead of educating them on your solutions, you’ll be surprised at how many new clients jump on board with you and even pay you a planning fee, simply because your approach was so different from every other advisor they’ve encountered.
In this episode of Stump The Guru show, I’ll be talking about Going down the iceberg vs. Going towards the sale. I’ve made it my life’s mission to give you the clarity that you are missing in your sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.
This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries …. Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can handle this particular situation whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations.
To access Ari’s free Trust-Based Selling Masterclass or to order his “Unlock The Sales Game” book, go to www.UnlockTheGame.com
It’s always an awkward moment, you had a great conversation with someone, they are qualified for your solution, it’s time to “follow-up” with them…what do you say, without putting pressure on them?
The answer lies within the mindset shift of re-focusing the conversation on their problem, and not your solution.
In this episode of Stump The Guru Podcast, I’ll be talking about Following Up A Prospect Without Chasing Them. I’ve made it my life’s mission to give you the clarity that you are missing in your sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.
This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries… Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can handle this particular situation whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations.
To access Ari’s free Trust-Based Selling Masterclass or to order his “Unlock The Sales Game” book, go to www.UnlockTheGame.com
Not sure if you do any outbound sales calling, but if you do, this podcast episode will either be a shock to you or what you’ve been looking for.
We’ve been conditioned to believe by the traditional sales gurus that the sale is lost at the END of the process – and I’ve always known it’s lost at the BEGINNING of the process.
Can you create trust at “hello”?
In this episode of Stump The Guru Podcast, I’ll be talking about How You Can Create Trust At “Hello”. I’ve made it my life’s mission to give you the clarity that you are missing in your sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.
This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries …. Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can handle this particular situation whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations.
To access Ari’s free Trust-Based Selling Masterclass or to order his “Unlock The Sales Game” book, go to www.UnlockTheGame.com
This is happening all the time, everywhere, on virtually every sales conversation you’re having… you’re prospect is holding something back from you.
Why are they afraid to just tell you the truth?
What are they afraid you might do if they are vulnerable with you?
In this episode of Stump The Guru Podcast, I’ll be talking about How Do You Get To The Truth Of Your Prospect? I’ve made it my life’s mission to give you the clarity that you are missing in your sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.
This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries …. Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can handle this particular situation whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations.
To access Ari’s free Trust-Based Selling Masterclass or to order his “Unlock The Sales Game” book, go to www.UnlockTheGame.com
Your doctor gets paid for giving you deep clarity on your problem, in ADVANCE of solving the problem. CLARITY is the biggest issue your prospects really want first, before actually getting their problem solved.
In this month’s Stump The Guru episode, I’ll be talking about how you can use the “doctor” model to position yourself as a Trusted Authority. I’ve made it my life’s mission to give you the clarity that you are missing in your sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.
This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries …. Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can handle this particular situation whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations.
To access Ari’s free Trust-Based Selling Masterclass or to order his “Unlock The Sales Game” book, go to www.UnlockTheGame.com
It’s like walking a tight-rope, if you push to hard in your sales conversation, you’ll break trust and lose the sale. On the flip side, if you’re too passive, over educating, doing “free” consulting, attempting to create a relationship, you’ll often hear “I want to think about it”….then you end up in chase mode, the last place you want to me.
In this episode of Stump The Guru Podcast, I’ll be addressing this sensitive and delicate balance. I’ve made it my life’s mission to give you the clarity that you are missing in your sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.
This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries …. Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can handle this particular situation whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations.
To access Ari’s free Trust-Based Selling Masterclass or to order his “Unlock The Sales Game” book, go to www.UnlockTheGame.com
People who sell typically handle objections in a defensive manner or in ways that try to convince prospects that their objection isn’t true. But that’s actually an attack on the other person’s reality and puts them on the defensive. They start fearing that we’re going to try to “sell” them by persuading them, so they either challenge us more, or they try to get out of the situation.
In this episode of Stump The Guru, I’ll be talking about how you can shift from “Fight or Flight” mode to “re-engage” mode, the, more you create trust and allow the conversation to re-open again without pressure. I’ve made it my life’s mission to give you the clarity that you are missing in your sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.
This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries …. Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can handle this particular situation whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations.
To access Ari’s free Trust-Based Selling Masterclass or to order his “Unlock The Sales Game” book, go to www.UnlockTheGame.com
CEOs need to take a hard look at their sales process to not only focus on how many sales they are making, but also to focus on why they are losing many of their most lucrative sales opportunities.
They need to begin shifting the mindset of their sales teams away from being solution-focused to being intensely problem-focused, so their potential clients feel their core issues are deeply understood, creating an unbreakable bond of trust.
Sales people need to look at how they are being perceived … Are they talking too fast? Are they over-enthusiastic? Are they talking about that they offer, over everything else?
If Yes, then it’s time to take some self-responsibility because it’s these types of things which kill the sale. In this episode of Stump The Guru Podcast, I’ll be talking about Taking Self Responsibility In Your Sales Process. I’ve made it my life’s mission to give you the clarity that you are missing in your sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.
This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries …. Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can “take self-responsibility in your sales process” whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations.
To access Ari’s free Trust-Based Selling Masterclass or to order his “Unlock The Sales Game” book, go to www.UnlockTheGame.com
When you’re chasing a vanishing prospect with follow-up messages to try and get them onboard, you’re following the old mindset of chasing the sale. You’re focusing on getting a “yes”, without really knowing the truth of what they’re thinking.
Let me remind you, at this stage, you haven’t lost the sale, you just don’t know the truth yet! But let me tell you, if you’re willing to be humble, reach out and “fall on your sword”, then you’re likely to hear back from them faster than you could ever imagine — and they’ll tell you the truth of where you stand.
In this episode of Stump The Guru Podcast, I’ll be talking about How To Fall On Your Sword. I’ve made it my life’s mission to give you the clarity that you are missing in your sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.
This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries …. Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can “fall on your sword” whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations.
To access Ari’s free Trust-Based Selling Masterclass or to order his “Unlock The Sales Game” book, go to www.UnlockTheGame.com
If someone gives you an objection, a pressure on you like, “Your price is too high,” for instance. The number one response to that in sales is usually to defend yourself. “We’re the best. We have this.” You start to defend, get your shoulders up and say, “We can work with that.” We either get passive or aggressive. There are only two options.
The new sales thinking mindset is different. It’s about diffusing the pressure to preserve the relationship so as to re-engage again. The guy says that your prices too high. In this specific situation, what we’re going to say is, “You’re absolutely right.” Here’s the operative word. “It can be perceived as high. If you haven’t had a chance to use it in your company, see the results, document it, and get the ROI. You’re absolutely right, it appears that way from the outside in. There is no doubt about that.
In this episode of “Stump The Guru Podcast” I want to take you off the path of defending yourself and what you can offer. Give up trying to persuade and let me show you how prospects feel they can choose you without feeling sold. I’ve made it my life’s mission to give you the clarity that you are missing in your sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.
This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries …. Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can handle the “Can You Lower Your Price?” situation whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations.
To access Ari’s free Trust-Based Selling Masterclass or to order his “Unlock The Sales Game” book, go to www.UnlockTheGame.com
What do you do when someone says to you they already chose someone who offers what you do? In traditional selling, you’re only options are FIGHT or FLIGHT.
Defend your position, go after the other vendor explaining how they aren’t as good as you, or back away and let them go.
With Trust-Based Selling, there’s a different approach and I will be talking all about this in this months episode. I’ve made it my life’s mission to give you the clarity that you are missing in your sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.
This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries …. Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can handle the “I am using someone else already” situation whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations.
To access Ari’s free Trust-Based Selling Masterclass or to order his “Unlock The Sales Game” book, go to www.UnlockTheGame.com
Have you got a tricky sales situation that you can’t solve on your own… your chasing a potential client you who isn’t calling you back?
You’re hearing “I’d like to think about it” or “I’ll get back to you when I’m ready”?
Whatever sales challenge you are experience right now, join Ari Galper, the World’s #1 Authority On Trust-Based Selling and the creator of Unlock The Game® every month as he coaches his guests, unrehearsed and live, on their most difficult and complex sales situations that’s holding them back from making the sale!
This is the first episode of Stump The Guru Podcast and we are talking all about being ghosted by a prospect!
Doesn’t it feel like a real let down…when you have someone who is ideal for you, even spends time with you letting you know they’re seriously interested…then they do “radio silent” on you?!
What options do you have next? Keep chasing them … definitely not!
This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries …. Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can handle the “Am I Ghosted?” situation whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations.
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