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The World’s #1 Authority On Trust-Based Selling



Sales Language: “Follow-Up” — Good or Bad?

If there is one phrase that exemplifies the typical sales person the most, it’s the phrase “follow-up”. You probably use that phrase instinctively, without even thinking about it, especially when you call your prospects after your initial conversation with them. …

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A Bucket Full of Holes

From time to time, my live chat staff passes me intriguing messages from visitors on our website. This is one came in from John last week:    “I have a role play interview coming up on Tuesday. During the role …

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The Dog and Pony Show — Reinvented

If you’ve been exposed to the sales world in one form or the other, you’ve probably heard of the infamous “Dog and Pony Show”. That’s where you’re invited to come to your prospect’s office and make a presentation in the …

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Shifting Your Sales Mindset – Aikido and Unlock The Game

In the past few weeks, I’ve started to take my two sons Toby and Nathan to Aikido classes. Aikido is a Japanese martial art based on diverting an attacker’s energy to resolve conflict.Surprisingly, it has tremendous synchronicity to what I …

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