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The World’s #1 Authority On Trust-Based Selling


The One Question To Ask to Get the Most Honest Answers from Potential Clients

https://utg-ta-websites.s3.amazonaws.com/Fubbi+Videos/Month+1+-+October+2020/unlock+the+game-video-month01-012.mp4 Transcript: When you say to somebody, “Where do you think we should go from here?” Usually, they’re in a state of shock. “I can’t believe somebody would actually ask them where they want to go!” And when you tell …

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This Complete Game Changer Will Lead You To Your Ideal Clients

https://utg-ta-websites.s3.amazonaws.com/Fubbi+Videos/Month+1+-+October+2020/unlock+the+game-video-month01-011.mp4 Transcript: So imagine you have this filter, on top of what you’re doing right now, to select your ideal clients. I invented my own, what I call trust-based languaging -my own phrases and words to use to activate this …

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The Right Way To Sell – And The Wrong Way We’ve Been Doing It

https://utg-ta-websites.s3.amazonaws.com/Fubbi+Videos/Month+1+-+October+2020/unlock+the+game-video-month01-010.mp4 Transcript: Focus on the truth with someone and not the sale. When you think like that, what happens is trust begins to emerge between you and them. And they feel comfortable telling you certain things, which now allows the …

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Two Truths About the Most Popular Selling Beliefs That’ll Change Your Sales

https://utg-ta-websites.s3.amazonaws.com/Fubbi+Videos/Month+1+-+October+2020/unlock+the+game-video-month01-009.mp4 Transcript: Who’s heard this one before? Overcome objections. Right? What happens? You try to overcome an objection, what they’re telling you is true. What do you break with them right there if you try to overcome what they’re telling …

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Where Do You Really Lose A Sale? The Truth Will Surprise You!

https://utg-ta-websites.s3.amazonaws.com/Fubbi+Videos/Month+1+-+October+2020/unlock+the+game-video-month01-008.mp4 Transcript: Who’s had a deal pending that looked really positive? All symbols were green light. And at the end, it just fell through. You know what I’m talking about. Who’s been there before? You did all the hard work …

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This Myth About The Sales Process May Be Holding Back Your Sales Potential

https://utg-ta-websites.s3.amazonaws.com/Fubbi+Videos/Month+1+-+October+2020/unlock+the+game-video-month01-007.mp4 Transcript: Myths that probably is still in the back of your mind around selling? I’m gonna, kind of, clean it out a bit and add some of this new stuff into it, get you… You can use some of …

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